Tuesday, February 15, 2011
12:04 AM

Okay so yesterday was Valentines day. Late post much? Neways, i HAVE dated like a few guys after my last ex. But..although they were awesome awesome, i just didnt feel it for them. I dont know why. And i dont know if its true but the last guy i dated(obviously i broke his heart), told me he realised i dont know what love is. What its about. I gave some thought to it and thought to myself. Hmmm maybe it is true? Like i mean maybe thats why ive been rejecting every other guy ive dated and trust me..i dated ALOT after my ex. I think ive been hurt too much that i cant be hurt anymore and i probably lost it. Like now, when a guy does something sweet or hold my hand or tells me he loves me or something, I feel nothing. Like its just pain NOTHING. Which sucks. Arghh..
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
12:59 AM
OMGGGG. I...AM....SOOO....TIRED...I SWEAR I CAN SLEEP IN A PUDDLE OF MUD. Haha. Okay i couldnt think of anything better. Hmm. My week..both this and last has been SUPERBLY BUSYYYAAEE! Really. Sembawang has become my second home. And...well yeah ive been staying up late to choreograph the dance and sew and stuff. Sheesh! This is a lot of stress!. Nevertheless, im enjoying every bit of what im doing. Andd....im getting myself back. As in i lost myself in the whole chaos say...2 years ago? I THINK. Yeah..well, hell yeah baby! Im getting myself back. Just like how the tides fall, ill rise again...time and again. :D
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
10:25 PM
Im such a TV FREAK! I just fell in love with WARNER TV cause they've got ALLLL the shows i love there...
By the way, i am soooo loving the fairy tale Peter Pan.
I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.