Friday, May 28, 2010
2:32 PM
Its been the longest time since i blogged. Mainly cause i dont know what to blog. I mean i have things to blog about but i dont know what my thoughts are exactly. I dont know what to say about things. Life has been a major roller coaster the past few months.
Wanted to give up my life cause for what i've been through, I didnt think i could move on. Grow up thinking that happened to me before. I was a victim. But i guess i realised that eventually..some way or another, you do move on. Memories become a blur in time to come. They start to fade away and more happy thoughts fills your mind. Its not impossible.
Anyways, i miss my friends a lot. Its true. I am kinda lost without you guys. :(
School and life in general has been hectic much! Been so busy lately. I need a break. And everytime i ask myself why did i take on so many responsibilities, i remember the answer. Its cause i wanted other things to occupy my mind. I wanted to move on easy and fast. And it is working! =)
Oh and Iffa gave me comfort words. Ive been so caught up in my sorrows, i guess i forgot about everyone else? These were her words "I guess everyone is going through shit now". It made me realise that im not the only one going through a tough time. And it also made me realise that im not alone. That made me feel better abit. Thanks babe!
Exams are not very far away. And as usual, ive not started. Crap! Theres still ample time luh. Sort of. And im gonna do something different this time. Im gonna start studying early.
Oh and by the way. This is for the two of you. I dont think i did anything to you guys. I honestly think you guys are behaving rather childishly. But its your life. Im not much of an impact anymore. And is it me or are people these days being really fake?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
7:45 PM

I miss you soooooo much! And im sorry for always being a pain. Sigh wish i could do better sometimes...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
4:35 PM
I am NOT going down without a fight!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
11:55 PM
I want a way out of this!