Wednesday, March 31, 2010
1:27 PM
I have the most number of mosquito bites im telling you!
Anyways, the problem is more complicated
And thanks guys for cheering me up..
And Thiru too
4:28 AM
Yay...Thiru cheered me up. He definitely made me feel wayy better. Thank you soo much! =)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
6:29 PM
This feeling, it hurts so much. Lost something i thought i never had. How stupid could i have been? I Suck.
5:04 PM
Oh my god. Im such a bitch! It was was really really real.
3:12 AM
25 hours of nightmare
Should have left early in the morning
But how was i to know?
That flames really do turn to dust?
Feels like my soul died in my body
Therapy for the heart anyone?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
1:05 AM
Ended up watching cop out. Hung out with NC for a while after the movie. Cute guy took my number. Cabbed down to Clarke Quay. Bumped into Anna. Drank. Drunk. DRAMA! Left Clarke Quay around 6ish. Trained to Sembawang. Was early so i slept in Coffee Bean while waiting for Nathan. Went for drama rehearsal. Made new friends once again. Haha. Then lunched with Nathan. Mutton briyani and milo dinosaur with whipped cream! Mhmmmm yummy! Hung out with Nathan. Had fun. Went home. Slept for a while. Headed down to Edgar's 21st birthday. Then met Divya and the clique(Deva, Yuwa, Sathies, Brenden and Kryan) at OCC for bowling since Kryan was going back to Australia for a while. Othniel gave me a ride home. Thank you! And gonna meet a friend. =)
Friday, March 26, 2010
11:03 PM
Im at Starbucks with NC. Gonna catch the book of Eli later. Stalker guy is scary. Really. Okay nothing to blog about. Bye!
5:49 PM
I likey Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Beyonce very very mucho! =)

5:25 PM
This post is dedicated to Dephanie.
DEPHANIE DARLING! Where have you been? Suddenly MIA sial. Joanna and i are worried about you. Are you okay? Did anyone kidnap you??? Haha our turn to worry about you. But really...get in contact with us if you happen to stumble across my blog and see this k? We miss you! =)
Miss Tux
2:26 AM
Im blogging alot tonight. Yes i know! Its because im bored and when im bored...*Whispers* i talk to myself. And then i amuse myself and decides that ive got to share it with you guys. :D
Okay case 1: I was laughing at myself cause there was this once, i was at mac. And as you all know, there are the double and the single cheese burger. I just so happen to prefer the single. So while ordering i was like "Can i get a normal cheese burger?" Haha!!!
Case 2: Circles ARE round. But..for some reason, whenever i try to tell my friends something about round objects or tables to be specific, i tend to go like "Oh you know that really round table..." Hahaha!
Case no 3: While ordering a Mac Flurry for my sis the other day, i was like "Can i get a Mac Furry?" =)
Haha oh wells. Nathan is going to bed. He says he cant chat with me anymore or he will be going to work like a zombie again. And he fears he might choke on his toothpaste tomorrow. Haha told u he is funny! Oh well...nevermind, i still have BRENDA to talk to! =D
Signing off,
Miss Tux
1:24 AM
IVE DECIDED!!! Im gonna rare fishes. Im gonna get a small tank and put little nemo fishes in if i can find them! :D Like the one below!!!

They are just to decorate my room. And i also want to get hamsters! To play with. Haha this i must blog about. I couldnt stop laughing about this to myself. Brenda is gonna blog about it too! Was chatting with Brenda and this was how the conversation went :
chrissy - my happy pill says:
hahaha!!! im telling everyone i want hamsters and they all keep saying they will get me hamsters for my bdae imagine if everyones gives me a hamster for my bdae...ill end up with alottt! then they can make hamster babies and i can sell them and make money i have the mind of a business woman :D
Hmm what do u think of spider monkeys? I think they are kinda cute. Haha Nathan was like "You are NOT getting a monkey!!" Haha that was hilarious. Nathan is hilarious really! Oh and Nathan is gonna be the god father of my future spider monkey and the fairy god father of my future hamsters. Hahaha!

Nathan thinks that one looks a lil disturbed. Haha!
Miss Tux
Thursday, March 25, 2010
9:55 PM
Stayed out yesteday till like 530am with Raff and Ri. Dinnered at KFC with Raff. Then Ri came. Walked over to the mac house for his dinner. Walked back to Northpoint's mac and chilled there. Then switched to Starbucks. Lol. Had super early breakfast at Starbucks. Cinnamon Bagel with cream cheese. Mhmmm yummy! And Raff saw me getting grumpy. Dang! Haha but i had fun. =)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
4:29 PM
Im in love with your voice!
1:38 AM highzq1!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
6:27 PM
Anyways, addicted to online tv shows once again.
Monday, March 22, 2010
8:28 PM
Shucks! Tomorrow is the day. And im scared. Shit! Shit! Shit! Exactly 11 and a half hours to go. Wish me luck. Im gonna need every single ounce of it.
6:11 PM
Oh my!! People are talking about me! But no its actually a good thing cause they are saying nice things. Then again haha its back to people knowing me without me knowing them. Lol.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
3:10 AM
Awwww. Im the clique's darling. Teehee!
1:12 AM
I met the most ANNOYING INDIANS today. Arghhh!
You and i are very very DIFFERENT! So fuck off!
I like it when you call me babe. ;)
And i think im bleeding...internally...!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
3:59 AM
Frou frou - let godrink up, baby down
mmm, are you in or are you out
leave your things behind
'cause it's all going off without you
excuse me, too busy you're writing your tragedy
these mishaps
you bubble wrap
when you've no idea what you're like
so let go, jump in
oh well, whatcha waiting for
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
so let go, just get in
oh, it's so amazing here
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
it gains the more it gives
and then it rises with the fall
so hand me that remote
can't you see that all that stuff's a sideshow
such boundless pleasure
we've no time for later now
you can't await your own arrival
you've 20 seconds to comply
so let go, jump in
oh well, whatcha waiting for
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
so let go, just get in
oh, it's so amazing here
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
Heres a little something to ponder on. The song is on my blog. What do YOU interpret from the lyrics?
3:54 AM
Haha was chatting with Nathan. I meant to say this...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Instead, i went like BABABABABABA! Hahaha cracked me up man.
Cant sleep! Cant sleep! Shall drink milk. =)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
3:19 AM
I like talking to you. No im not crushing on you. But i do like talking to you. You are funny and sacarstic and...charming all at once. Not forgetting your nice smile. You look like Channing Tatum to me. Plus you entertain me. Teehee! My ex crush. ;)
Im confused. Im getting used to not talking to you though i do miss you but its not as much? Is that a good or a bad thing? And i see you are moving on aye? Well its a good thing had my fair share of fun and i never fell deep into the dark hole of your trap. Was always on the surface. Just in case i got hurt again. But you know what? You are without a doubt 100% AWESOMEE and honestly i'd give to have an encore of those few months again. Where my life revolved around you and almost you only. I do love you. But to a certain extent. Hey we both are flirts after all right? Im just serious when i get into a relationship whereas you are the total opposite.
Oh my god! The drama group. I sooo want it. A total dream come true much! Plus i already know so many of you there. Peter Pan. =) Ill think about it. ;)
Jess told me i should tell her the truth. But how? I know she wont agree to it although im happy with the way things are. Really. Right happy with my life. Except for the not having anything to do especially when im broke part. But i really am. Blessed with wonderful friends. Have been partying almost every night. Though i know Din isnt happy with it. But sighh ill discuss it with him...with them and see how things goes. I really want her to know about it too.
Having one or two guys liking you can be very flattering. Having many can be an issue. And thats exactly how i feel. Really. A lil bit of headache having these guys messaging me almost all the time. Like hello! I need my space. Maybe this is a sign. Maybe im just not ready for a relationship. And yes by the way, ive decided. I dont have to have a boyfriend in my last teenage year. I want to enjoy my last teen year being single and partying till the roosters does its 'cock-a-doodle-doo' in the dawn. Yes! I still have 3 months before i turn 19 though. God im growing up fast! I dont mind having a relationship during these three months. Part time boyfriends anyone?
Aights im going to bed. My eyes are betraying me. Sad sad.
Monday, March 15, 2010
11:40 PM
omggg...he called and i didnt pick up! :(
2:22 PM
Overwhelming much! Overwhelming much!
People i envy are talking to me!!!
I sound like a loser but who cares..
Sunday, March 14, 2010
11:26 PM
Dead bored dead bored dead bored!
Nothing to doooooooo!
Divya's dance song Alegra is stuck in my head.
Still in the partay mood.
Still want some more alcohol.
Stronger bonds were made yesterday.
Everytime i go to Vijay's party, i get someone's number in return.
I think you have a nice smile. =)
The indian blood.
And im currently thinking...
Do i want to celebrate mine too?
4:47 PM
Met Din, Martin, Syahmi, Hilmi and Sufri on Wednesday for dinner. Was nice chatting with them. But now, ill need to learn Malay.
Finally hung out with Divya, Jess and Divya on Thursday. Haha meeting one of the Divyas wasnt planned though. Bumped into her. And i wasnt trying to distract you can! haha...Was with Joanna in Vivo before that. She chopped off her hair and got a perm. Haha but still preety luh. =)
Bumped into Natasha on Friday at Bugis. So nice seeing her after such a lonnnggg time luh. Cant wait to hang out with you guys again.
Went shopping for Naven's gift with Priscilla before the party yesterday.
Naven's Birthday Party was a total BLAST! Freaking awesommee. And ill give it to him..its by far the BEST 21st birthday ive attended so far. The theme was celebrity. I went as Rihanna. She showed up to the oscars in a tuxedo right. Hehe. Ended up having to go on stage for a dance off against Malini and Sarras. Ramkee, Mohan and some other guy were on the guys team. It was a draw. So yay...fererro rochers for everyone! And then the dance floor. OMG! This is the first time i saw sooooooooo maaanyyy people on the dance floor. I can safely say about 75% of the people were dancing. Aweessommee....haha i danced around the dance floor dancing with who ever i could dance with. Made new friends too. Then Divs and i joined the guys to drink until 4am plus? Stayed over at Divyas and hitched a ride home from Naven. Im shagged! Once again, HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY NAVEN!

Next party : 27 March - Edgar's ;)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
3:32 AM
Oh my god. Im scared of you. Stay away from me...
Monday, March 8, 2010
6:59 PM
13 hours and 30 mins...till you leave.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
11:22 PM
Im feeling sad already. Once again im shedding tears. All i have left is our memories.
3:58 AM

My happy pill is back...
3:40 AM
Holi was awesomee luh. Ishaan, Nessa, Steph, Lisa, Cass, Sathies and i went for Holi this year. Last year's was better but Holi this year was awesomeee only towards the end..the front part was a lil boring i would say. Ishaan, Steph, Lisa, Sathies and i danced and danced and danced the night away. Oh! While i was dancing, Nathan came along and poured this whole packet of pink powder on me. Argh! Now im super stained pinkish purple. IM NOT FORGIVING YOU NATHAN! Haha. I learnt new dance moves today. Whoohooo im one level up a better dancer. =)

This afternoon, SX called. We talked. Smoothed things out. And we are okay now. YAY!!!! My yay was genuinely sincere. =D
Seriously! Can this bitch(me) get any happier? I received an unexpected message during the last 15mins of Holi. S. I got my friend back! Went to meet him at the flyer. Sat by the Singapore river under whatever stars there were in the sky, watching the Singapore Skyline in front of the river and talked. Awwww....romantic huh? "Jason Mraz - Im Yours" huh? Okay. Noted:) Oh! Im not gonna forgive you for not helping me climb over the two baricades just now. But hey, today, i learnt to climb over baricades. Haha! Im gonna miss you soooo sooo much when you leave this Tuesday. Sigh. But thank you! :)
I asked Ishaan what Holi means. He said its just happiness with the colours. Celebrating Holi made me super happy alright. I got two friends back! =)
Labels: I
Saturday, March 6, 2010
2:38 PM
Going costume shopping tomorrow :)
Friday, March 5, 2010
2:19 AM
I had fun with my girls watching Dear John.

And Gabi made my night fun. Had a good time running away from the cockroaches..haha!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
12:17 PM
Drank with Vijay and Jax yesterday night. Drank sooo much i didnt even know i started crying. And now.... i feel BAD! Cause i think i drank too much? I didnt even realise that. And now i cant stop puking for nuts. It tastes horrible too. Like yellow bitter liquid. Ugh!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
9:05 PM
Today marks the end of the exams and the start of the holidays. This means im allowed to go full force into depression. No more holding back. Cause the exams are over. Now i can concentrate on feeling upset. Im just gonna keep crying and crying till i shrink and die somewhere.
9:01 PM
Right now, im numb towards all feelings except that oh so horrible ache in my heart.
See you been all around the globe
Not once did you leave my mind
We talk on the phone
From night till morn
Girl, you really change my life
4:46 AM

Its amazing how i always manage to waste my time.
Monday, March 1, 2010
3:10 PM
I have a secret to share with you.
This year, Valentines day sucked big time!
2:38 PM

My personal favourites...
Have you ever wondered who your favourite super heroes and villians are?
1:43 AM

Supper-ed with Brenda yesterday. And we watched Chelsea vs Man City (2-4). MUAHAHA! Chelsea lost... Too bad aye? If we were still on talking terms, id be rubbing it in your face. =)