Sunday, February 28, 2010
11:58 PM

If i have to, Ill quit school, open a prata shop and sell prata.
You will come and support me right?
Buy prata from me...give me business?
Sings *Ill take you to my prata shop...*
Saturday, February 27, 2010
1:59 PM
Hung out with Divs, Kryan, Brenden, Dev and Raj yesterday night. Kryan! You and your crappy dares! Hahaha...
***Ooohhh! Mr hotstuff is talking to me with his hottie language..hahaha! Too bad i cant find you on facebook. :(***
Thursday, February 25, 2010
3:18 AM
Thanks Sathies!
sorry card.
2:35 AM
The night.
You know...i used to love the nights. I used to feel more alive. Partially cause i prefer sleeping in the day luh...but now, I hate the nights. When its day time, its still okaaaayyyy. But come the night, i get all depressed and sad, i cry..and i hate it! I hate it i hate it i hate it!
My happy pill is gone...since last year, what was there to look forward to? Lost sooo many important people i loved with all my heart in my life. Then my happy pill came along. Gave me the support and love and hope. And now my happy pill is gone. What am i to do without you? Seriously... I feel so lost...soo damn lost. And i long to be around you again. Theres nothing else worth looking forward to if you are gone...and if they are gone. GOD I MISS EVERYONE!
No! No i dont want to feel happy again. Feeling happy after loosing my happy pill feels like im sinning. It just feels right to be depressed, devastated and to do stupid things. Right stupid as it sounds, it seems like the most rational thing to do....drugs and booze!
I just spent an hour crying over you when ive got an exam tomorrow and im not at all prepared. Right heart feels tight and heavy and bruised. I feel so bruised all over.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
9:54 PM
Thank you everyone...whos been giving me advice for mechanics....=)
I heeded your advice...and i PASSED! Thank you..i just wish you were still around...
Bumped into Ramkee today...
Felt good seeing him again..
And Vijay made me feel a whole lot better...
Thank you!
But it still hurts...
Cant wait to go drinking again...
drugs!My new best friend. ;)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
10:09 PM
Cause sooner or'll have to wake up...
My time came around...
I woke up...
And im not holding up well...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
11:39 PM
dont know how to make things right..
Friday, February 19, 2010
4:53 PM
Really? The lion dance is good luck?
If thats the case then im banging on all the good luck that things get back to normal soon...
Though im never gonna be good enough,
Maybe it IS gonna have a hard time living without you.
You promised! =(
Thursday, February 11, 2010
8:51 PM
On the 9th, it was Yuwaraj's birthday....
For all the crazy times we had together....our clubbing adventures....our alcohol sessions....our crazy jokes....your crazy morning messages...and most importantly....for how you and i met for the very first time.....i love you! =D
8:37 PM
Yeah its been a while since i blogged...Super busy with school...I barely have time for myself..
STRESS! FUCKING personal mentor has something against me...ME ONLY! WHAT THE FUCK LAH BITCH! What did i ever do to you? BITCH BITCH BITCH! I swear if that happens, im quitting whats the point anymore right? I swear im gonna prove you wrong me!
Haiyo...really not in the mood close friends are drifting apart...not all..but a few..the ones i thought would never...sigh...yeahh it hurts me too...wish things were different....
The family bitch is leaving Spore today. FUCK OFF YOU MOTHER FUCKING HYPOCRITE! We are all better off without you. I wont miss you...for sure...
PS: I know...this entry is like full of hatred and profanities...but hey im still a happy person...just that nothing happy happened during the past week? So...theres nothing happy to blog about for now. Wait till my exams are over k....i promise you a very happy post in the future to come.
Till then...;)
We are all growing up so fast...right are in camp...the first among us all to enter NS...haha you are gonna be the man Bings! The first man among us...whooohooo! Love you always. =)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
1:44 PM
Hung out with the clan yesterday...
Advanced birthday celebration...
Aweesomeeee shit man!
Oh man...get well soon YR!
Didnt know you were on clutches...
Will visit you more often from now on kay...keep you company till you have to return.
Oh and B and K ah...
Nothing to say luh...
Super cute when they fight..
Met Jax and V at night...=)
And YOU pissed me off!
March 9....
Gonna be a sad day for me...
Friday, February 5, 2010
11:48 PM
I need major help with cp...=(
12:33 AM
Crush :)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
10:01 PM
Okay this is hurting.....REAL BAD!