Monday, November 30, 2009
2:51 AM
2:39 AM

I successfully cried over you...once again...
Baby...i feel so insecure without you here by my side..
I need you so badly..
I want you to tell me everythings gonna be okay.
Cause its you i trust...
Its you i trust with my whole heart.
Only you.
I love you.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
8:33 PM
Met Nessa, Bren and Shuan yesterday.
Went around town.
Orchard Ion
Dinnered at Burger King.
Explored Orchard Central.
Took like the longest and most awesome escalator there..
Felt like we were going to heaven..hahahahaha!
The view there is niceee
Cause its 12 floors high.
So imagine looking at town from 12 floors up =)
Had dessert at Ben and Jerrys..
And headed home.
Okay technically they headed home.
I reached home around 3am
Met them...
It was super fun yesterday.
We bonded and the feeling is good..
Will upload the pics soon.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
2:34 AM
Today is Dephanie's birthday...
For all the times that we shared together..for all the times that you've been there...for all the times you picked me up when i was down..for all the bitchy times you and i had together with Jo and a few others bitching about we all know "what"..for all the times we were being mean...for all the times we laughed like there was no tomorrow....for all the times u gave me a listening ear...for all the times we followed you to the toilet(haha)..for all the times we ate banana cake together(another haha)..and for the time you and i first being each other's first friend, i love you babe!
2:24 AM
So yesterday, Joanna and i travelled to JB together...
Now we can officially say we went overseas together
Haha we were getting all excited over being able to say that luh.
Haha Jo and i got lost here and there.
But we managed to find our way.
Anyhoos, You Wei and Deph picked us up at the customs area.
And we went over to Dephs.
Her mum cooked yummy lunch for us.
I love the meat luh.
So niccceeee!
And then we headed down to City Square? i think...
Pampered our nails.
It looks soo preety luh.
You Wei was so nice to wait for us patiently..
It took like what...almost 2 hours?
And then came shopping!
Jo bought alot of stuff...
I only bought ''buttons to sew on my ears''
Haha its an inside joke.
Sadly Jo and i had plans so we couldnt stay in JB for long.
You Wei and Deph sent us back to the customs.
Had aloottt of fun today
Jealous yet?
I hope so bitch!
Friday, November 27, 2009
12:57 AM
This post is meant for Thurday.
Firstly, why do you have to complain?
Its not like we are still in primary school right?
I think even i never did that once then..
Next, whats with all the secrecy?
Whats become of us all?
Wheres the love man?
Okay but today was fun luh.
Love my class..
The class went out to Seoul Garden in Marina Square to have dinner.
It was more like a celebration for the November babies..
Featuring Dephanie, Liang Yong and Xin Wei aka BOBO!
You Wei and Liang Yong drove us there..
Us: Me, Deph, You Wei, Gaek, Ad, Yixiu, HT, Salam, Lawrence, Zhan Le, Ivan, Xin Wei, Liang Yong and Kennard.
We ate like pigs i tell you.
Haha but the funny part was that at my table, Lawrence, Salam, Deph and i sat together.
Instead of us girls cooking, the guys were cooking the food for us.
And then Salam was acting like Lawrence's father.
Double haha..
After we ate, we cam whored around..
Played pool till like 11pm plus?
And home sweet home it was.
Today was fun luh.
Got things out of my mind and all.
Yeahh thats how my class is...
Always there for you no matter what. =)
Oh and i hope u guys enjoyed yourselves.
We have many dates to execute.
Oh although we all got home late and were tired,
Almost all of us are onlinee..
Tomorrow is another adventure..
Johor Bahru with the babes..
Here i come!
12:47 AM
And im truly hurt by your words..
Im framed...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
11:49 PM
Met Kryan at 8am at City Hall today..
Early right?
School today was dry but fun thanks to my friends...
And then i met Brendaaaaa!
We spent like 4 hours together..
And you know something..
It was definitely not enough...
I love you babe!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
10:45 PM
Im shocked beyond words...
You arent who i used to know anymore..
Ive been fooled the entire time..
Monday, November 23, 2009
11:26 PM
I want a huggg!
*shakes head*
Acercame tu pantalon
Regalame tus Panties
Acercame tu pantalon
Regalame tus Panties
*shakes head*
10:53 PM
School's work load is getting heavier..
Okay not literally but the exams are almost here.
And i need to start studying
Like NOWWW..
But arghh i feel soo...lazy
And ive been soo tired these days.
Like i come home and i just want to sleep
Which i do until night.
I hate you...
even in my dreams?
By the way its my dearest friend, Towfiq's birthday today.
Life wouldnt be the same if i never met you =)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
10:18 PM
Today was unexpected.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
1:04 PM
So fake!
Everything and everyone is soooo FAKE!
Gahhh woke up early today.
Way too many calls and yeahh couldnt sleep.
Daddys here!
Think i wanna head down to town..
Get some things..
Oh but then i also wanna go to IKEA..
And to safra though its expensive..
And i also need to study..
Okay time to manage my time.
Friday, November 20, 2009
12:30 PM
Im soo happy they all like my cooking =)
12:07 AM
I cant believe i let you hear me cry...
No i cant believe i even admitted to you that i was crying...
But hey its a good thing...
I think...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
10:41 PM

Does god really exist?
I liked this guy once...
I prayed and got answers from him...
And in the end, i was misled...
I once was a lonely kid...
I prayed for friends..
God gave me awesome friends
I thanked god for them everyday
Yet now...crap is happening...
Dont know how im going to handle being with them again
Dont think i can...
Cause saying that im hurt is and understatement
I was misled again.
Does god really really exist?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
10:16 PM

Decided to blog about something......
Someone sent this e-mail to Dephanie and it caught my attention.
Theres nothing much to blog actually.
The words speaks for themselves...
I do however like this one very much.
Aights off to mug.
Tomorrow people!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
10:03 PM

Mad sugar rush...
Hung with Div, Priscilla and Vicknesh today.
Then met my mum for dinner at breeks. =)
Party this Friday..
You see...
Ive been partying at least once every weekend for some time now
And im loving my life as it is. =)
1:39 AM

I want to escape reality...
I want to just get away and spend time alone
Cry my heart out
Think about everything and let time heal the wounds
Cause they are soo severe
And i dont know how much longer i can keep everything in
I dont know how much longer i can stay this strong for
I dont know how much longer it will take me before i shatter into pieces
And never be able to be placed together again.
No wait..
Almost all the time..
I keep thinking...
I want to be in a hit and run accident
With me being the one hit
With an injury so bad
That i can just stay in the hospital for months..
Just so that i can get away from things
I need to go into rehab.
1:14 AM

Every now and then,
I look back and have to snap myself back to reality.
Cause im not myself anymore..
Im becoming you...
So then who am i really?
12:32 AM

Oh man...
I think im gonna cry when u leave.
Im gonna miss you sooo sooo much!
This is so heartbreaking..
But i do!
I do! I do! I do!
I really really do...
One thing i hate the most is goodbyes...
12:08 AM

Time flies by so fast these days..
Seriously, wheres all the time going to?
One minute its 6pm
And the next, its already 10pm.
Monday, November 16, 2009
9:45 AM

Yes people!
Im in school.
And im craving for banana cake!
And chicken pie
Okay this proves it.
Im hungry.
9:45 AM
Talked to Ramkee till 4am..
In school now
And im tirreedddd...
Will blog later.=)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
11:59 PM
Im a good cook. :D
I proved all you assholes out there that i can cook.
So time to shut up!
Oh Jess brought back chocolate ice cream from awfully chocolate for me.
Thanks love!
2:52 PM
Just met Kryan.
Haha stupid guy bit and scratched me...
Now ive got marks..
1:38 AM
2012 is a nice movie...
Haha stupid Kryan kept trying to scare me throughout the movie
although it wasnt a horror movie.
Had mac for dinner after the movie.
Basically we LEPAK-ED there.
Cabbed home cause we missed the last train.
The taxi uncle was sooo nice luh.
I didnt have enough money to travel all the way back
so i asked him to stop at Northpoint and ill walk.
Instead, he insisted on sending me all the way to my block.
And when i gave him all my 25 bucks for the cab fare,
He still gave me back 2 bucks.
So nicee luh!
I like that warm fuzzy feeling whenever theres you.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
12:45 PM hangover...
I was drunk and i slept for only 6 hours...
Im a strong babe!
Anyways 3 things to do today...
1. Buy it once and for all
2. Divya's brothers party
3. Movie night out with the clan.
"Your ego is out of hand.", He said.
4:53 AM
Its 4.53am
I just got home.
And im fucking drunk
Ca nt stop puking
Friday, November 13, 2009
8:48 PM

Skipped lecture today.
Yi Xiu saved me from the math test andddd then Adeline and i went shopping at Bugis.
Its 9.37pm and i might be meeting my friends...
This means i wont be going home till like 2am?
Sighss...oh well..
Gonna get into trouble again.
Happy Friday the 13th people!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
10:30 PM
School was a total bore today..
But hey...
Now ive got something to look forward to..
I get to spend time with my favourite girls after school on Thurdays.
Had fun today.
2:58 AM

You've never failed me.
My saviour.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
11:24 PM

This really suits my mood in 3 different ways
Beyonce - Broken-hearted Girl
You’re everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that?
You’re the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I’d love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you’re the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can’t erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you
It pains me to say
I know I’ll be there at the end of the day
I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No...No
No broken-hearted girl
I’m no broken-hearted girl
Something that I feel I need to say
But up to now I’ve always been afraid
That you would never come around
And still I want to put this out
You say you’ve got the most respect for me
But sometimes I feel you’re not deserving me
And still you’re in my heart
But you’re the only one and yes
There are times when I hate you
But I don’t complain
Cause I’ve been afraid that you would've walk away
Oh but now I don’t hate you
I’m happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day
I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No…No
No broken-hearted girl
Now I’m at a place I thought I’d never be…Oooo
I’m living in a world that’s all about you and me…yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away
Away With you
yeah yeah yeah, ohh ohh ohh
I don’t wanna be without my baby
I don’t wanna a broken heart
Don’t want to take a breath with out my baby
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way..No..No
I don’t want a broken heart
I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl..No..No..
No broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl No…no…
No broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl
10:46 PM
Thank you for yesterday..
Had fun and got things out of my mind....
Though it was a lil too much..
I need a hug...=(
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
12:33 AM

Honey why are you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now
Honey why are you crying, is everything okay?
I gotta whisper ?cause I can't be too loud
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
Monday, November 9, 2009
11:19 AM
Forces of attraction...
You dont need to be exactly the same to get along with each other..
Its what comes from within.
Hehe...i suddenly sound so grown up and wise.
3:12 AM
I try soo hard..and keep stealing my spot light away from me..=(
Sunday, November 8, 2009
11:50 PM
Money issues..
Im super broke...
Dont know how im gonna pay for my handphone bill..
And...ive not bought my textbooks yet..=(
9:25 PM
Theres nothing much to blog about today..
Just that...
Seriously..wheres all my friends?
1:29 AM
I just realised...I LOVEEEE Pitbull =)
Just want someone to understand me..
And even my own friends from poly knows that i dont hyperventilate or shit..
Yes they KNOW!
So why is it that my close friends dont?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
11:12 PM
Had dinner at Thai Express at uhh Junction 8 today.
It was spiccyyyy....
Yeah we did have seafood tom yum.
Haha and this is the first im dining at a fine dining restaurant with anyone else except my own family.
Bumped into Jafar and Siva.
Walked around....and then headed to our usual hang out.
Talked for a while and the night had to end.
Too little too fast.
3:40 PM
Went clubbing yesterday..for Divyas birthday...
At the Arena..
Haha i wanna go clubbing again soon...
Anyways today is my love's birthday
I love you many many!
And to Cass,
Friday, November 6, 2009
8:26 PM
Ive got a feeling...that tonights gonna be a good nighhtt...that tonights gonna be a GOOD GOOD nighttt...
Haha okay im excitedddd...
This is where i need Yi Xiu!
I cant find myself online!
Yes people!
I have been posted on the net.
But whoohoo...
And 7000 people have already viewed.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
10:03 PM

Vision of perfection
Today was totally AWESOMEEE!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
11:30 PM
I get paranoid when i dont hear from you.
10:04 PM
Why so much attitude bitch?
I hate it when people assume...
That oh i hyperventilate,
or...oh i over react...
or...oh i need to relax...
Cause they dont know how i really am in reality if im messaging or msn-ing or like blogging...
Am i right?
So yeah..
If you have no prove of how i am behaving at which ever particular point of time,
I suggest you say nothing at all..
And ps: im still very relaxed right now.
Maybe im too nice?
Maybe when i start to get mean
Or serious
Or like...i dont know capitalise my words online or so whatever,
You guys think im hyperventilating or something..
So heres a question: Do i really have to get all nasty in reality for you guys to realise i dont hyperventilate over puny matters?
*rolls eyes*
Moving on,
This happy bitch is a very happy happy person today..
Finally got my pdl=)
And i went to Kovan for nothing today..
But you know was still worth it.
And....Manesh is annoying me!
In a good way luh.
Goodness im gonna miss a whole lot of people..
For various reasons..
And i found a special friend.
One who was and is there for me when i had no one.
Oh and by the way....
i know what im doing.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
2:59 PM

Who says Chrissy dont have nightmares?
I had a very very bad dream..
And..I dreamt that i was going to die..
I sort of saw my soul
And the sky was red
And it was also something like the end of the world.
I tell you..its scary..
And then i had another dream...
I was accused of doing something i didnt do.
No one believed me when i tried to tell them the truth.
Instead, they kept putting the blame on me.
And my sis studied psychology.
She said your dreams are the interpretations of what really is going on in your reality.
When i thought about it..
Its true..
People think im at fault.
When i did nothing.
And thus, my dream..
My so called bad dream...
Reminded me of that..
Oh wells..
Theres nothing much i can do now can i?
Monday, November 2, 2009
12:29 PM
.it went up
38.2 degrees celsius now...
okay now i know why people hate having the fever..
somebody take care of meee!
12:21 PM
37.9 degrees celsius...
I want to cryyyy...
11:43 AM
You think im a joke right?
Wait till i come there and spread the virus to you..
You watch out!
Anyways, its not as though anyone LIKES you to begin with.
*evil smile*
Anyways, my head super super hurts luh.
Woke up this morning feeling like crap.
My throat hurts...
And i thought i had tonsilities or something..
Cause it felt swollen inside and i was lying on my left..
So the swell could be felt on the left side of my throat.
And then my head hurt..
Must be due to the fever im having now...
And ive got a feeeling..
This is all due to the more than 30 mosquito bites i have right now..
This stinks!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
8:49 PM
101 ways to kill yourself.
1. Slit your wrists. 2. Drink cleaning supplies.
3. Put your dad's rifle in your mouth and shoot.
4. Cut yourself along several major arteries and slowly bleed to death.
5. Fill the bathtub up with hot water and get in. Go underwater & breathe until I say stop.
6. Give yourself a homemade tattoo with toxic silver pen.
7. Fill the bathtub up. Grab a toaster & plug it in. Get in the bath
tub and bring the toaster with you. Push down the button & enjoy!
8. Boil several gallons of water on the stove and "accidentally" spill it all on yourself.
9. Bash your head in with a hammer.
10. Get an axe from the woodpile & split yourself in half.
11. Use your telekinetic powers to make the house fall apart.
12. Tease the elevator by not letting it close until it buzzes loudly. Stand in the door's way and let it close.
13. Break a mirror. Take two sharp pieces of the glass and shove them in your eyes, hard and deep.
14. Shove a Chef's knife up your butt.
15. Kill someone else and plead for death by lethal injection.
16. Break a bottle of wine on a table and shove it in your stomach.
17. Have your best friend run you over with a steamroller.
18. Turn on the iron until water dances on surface. Put it on several places on your body, keeping it in each place for at least 45 seconds.
19. Jump off a building, aiming carefully to impale yourself on a lamppost.
20. Drive a wooden stake in your heart.
21. Induce vomiting until you black out and slip into a coma. This coma should last for several months, in which time your family will certainly decide to pull the plug.
22. Put your pinky, as well as any other digits that will fit, into an electrical socket.
23. Purposely catch your clothing in the escalator at a local mall and fight off anyone who tries to help. Enjoy the ride!
24. Swallow vanilla bath beads.
25. Drop a lit match down your throat.
26. Eat three tubes of toothpaste - and I'm not talking about trial size.
27. Hang yourself in your closet with an electrical cord.
28. Unbend a coat hanger and slowly & carefully shove it up your nose.
29. Crash a car into a department store window displaying a nativity scene. Merry Christmas!
30. Lodge your head in the toilet bowl and flush mercilessly.
31. Get your hand caught in the CD-ROM drive and attempt to cut it off with a dull pocketknife.
32. Make a pipe bomb and blow up your house with you inside, of course.
33. Stuff toilet paper down your throat until you choke.
34. Eat baby powder.
35. Eat deodorant.
36. Take a walk in the ghetto with a giant boom box blasting Vanilla Ice.
37. Anger a cannibal.
38. Drown yourself in a spoon full of water.
39. Get a friend to throw a few CDs Frisbee-style at your stomach and throat.
40. Swallow fifteen razor blades.
41. Drink 2 bottles of cough syrup.
42. Lock yourself in a room. After you've eaten the carpet and peeled the paint off the walls for a snack, you'll eventually starve.
43. Swerve into the left rear wheels of a moving transfer truck on your bike.
44. Break a battery open and pour it into a glass of Dr. Pepper and drink it.
45. Live on top of an active volcano.
46. Piss off O.J. Simpson.
47. Eat a string of Christmas Tree lights.
48. Give yourself a million paper cuts if the paper cuts don't kill you, the counting will.
49. Nail yourself to the side of a federal building.
50. Scalp yourself. If you're not dead, make photocopies.
51. Cry your eyes out literally.
52. Burn plastic and breathe in the toxic fumes.
53. Charge into a big screen TV.
54. Lag behind when participating in a Bull Run.
55. Walk around in downtown New Jersey with a Target store shirt on.
56. Smash your head in the safe door again & again & again.
57. Spray a bottle of air freshener up your nose and inhale at the same time.
58. Eat a dog with heartworms raw.
59. Strategically place yourself in the middle of a very busy intersection at rush hour during daylight savings time while wearing a tight, black jumpsuit, being ever so careful to hit every car you see.
60. Go to a horse race and jump out in front of the leading horse screaming at the top of your lungs, "I'm a pony! I'm a pony!"
61. Make like Sonny Bono when on a skiing trip.
62. Get run over by an ostrich.
63. Get naked and lay on 12 150-watt light bulbs, then flip the switch.
64. Cut off all your fingers then write a ten-page report on "Polyester versus Cotton Fabrics" with the stubs.
65. Get pregnant and then have your mother perform an emergency C-section just for kicks.
66. Jam a toothbrush in your bellybutton.
67. Brush your teeth with a MACH 3 razor.
68. Drill a hole in your head.
69. Find a huge pine tree. Cut it down with a chainsaw while standing in its falling path.
70. Skinny-dip in a shark tank with your favorite rubber ducky.
71. Drive with a rabid monkey in your back seat.
72. Play NASCAR with an unsuspecting fellow driver.
73. Jump off the balcony in a school auditorium.
74. Smash your head through a wooden door, making sure you get plenty of splinters.
75. Jump in the way of a moving subway train.
76. Drip hot wax all over your body, then light matches and light your feet on fire. The flames will rise and consume your entire body, but before you do that, make sure you drip hot wax in your eyes & let it harden.
77. Do back flips in a mosh pit.
78. Attempt to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
79. Jump out of a moving bus window and do shoulder-rolls across the highway until you get run over.
80. Always use the wrong tool for the job.
81. Float on your back in the Anaconda River and wait.
82. Get in a pool with piranhas and have them tear off your flesh bit by bit, eating you alive.
83. Wedge yourself in the doggy-entrance on the garage door and have a friend press the "garage open" button. 84. Use a chain saw to cut out pictures.
85. Shove a TV antenna in one ear & out the other.
86. Strangle yourself with your best necklace.
87. Bite your arm and suck & swallow the blood. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
88. Perform self-quadruple bypass surgery.
89. Take out your own spleen, cook it for 2 minutes in the microwave, and eat it.
90. Cut yourself up and feed as much of you as possible to the family dog.
91. Cut off your limbs and put them in the crock-pot for your family to find. If your crock-pot isn't large enough, put extra flesh in the freezer for later.
92. Swan dive into the 10-gallon fish tank.
93. Give yourself a buzz-cut with bush shears.
94. Gather up a group of friends to push all your pressure points at the same time.
95. Make believe you're in a psychiatric facility with padded walls when you're really in a steel cage.
96. Straddle a neon sign. Don't let go, no matter what people tell you.
97. Go swimming in an oil spill. Don't forget to open your eyes under water!
98. Smash your porcelain "Precious Moments" dolls in the middle of the street and consume the large pieces left over.
99. Roll around nude in the street at noon.
100. Drink paint. Eat the stick you stirred the paint with. Drink paint thinner to wash it down.
101. Take all the pills in your medicine cabinet, along with at least one shot of every alcoholic beverage known to man and take a little nap. Don't bother waking up.
So now you know.
Rest in peace.
8:40 PM

He said "Friends dont last forever..." Is it...really true? Do they not?
8:30 PM

So its back to school tomorrow..
Its already the third week.
And you know what?
Im having this seriously annoying feeling deep down in me that i feel like sucking it to death.
Cause i dont want to go back to school..
Yes i love my friends...
Im really lucky to have people like Jo and Deph around..
But...what im studying sucks..
I wont turn into a blood sucking demon or something but i really hate this feeling..
Maybe its just pre-monday blues?
IF theres such a thing.
And im going though shit.
Seriously,...if you think you've gone through the shit in life...
You are sooo effing wrong!!
I can bet you ive been through about 75% of what life's shit has to offer.
Yes, my life sucks altogether..
And no...
No one knows what ive been through and is going through now..
This sucks..
12:33 AM
Once again, i feel so lonely...