Saturday, October 31, 2009
9:48 PM
No halloween for me this year. =(
No actually, my halloween this year SUCKS!
I nearly wanted to kill myself..
And i swear i would have if Vinot didnt convince me out of it.
Have a Happy Halloween though! =)
2:56 PM
I feel like FUCK!
Ill never forgive myself for this...
You are still talking to me!!!?!!?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
11:40 PM
Im so lucky...
My friend...he went through the same shit im going through now..
Someone who reallllyyy understands how i feel...
9:46 PM
Back to the time traveller's wife.
Today I realised i hate Thurdays..
Cause its the i understand nothing in school day.
Today i realised who my true friends are.
Today i realised i love my ego so damn much.
Today i realised i DON'T forgive and forget.
Today i realised i need to prioritise.
Today i realised, i need to be more matured in my thinking...
Today i realised what kind of a person i really want to be..
Today i didnt realised but screwed this thought into my head...
and that is ill hate you for the rest of my life...
Haha sounds like an advertisement for the Today paper uh?
Gonna start planning for the future. =)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
11:02 PM
Haha decided to blog about this...
That day, Ishaan and i were talking about the laddoo song.
And i suggested we really make a realll laddoo song with the lyrics and all..
And he gave us a really cool name...
Ishaan Singh ft Chrissy..
Cool aye?
Give me 2-3 weeks...
Ill be different.
1:41 PM
Wokay....for some reason i feel crappy..
Teenage worries..
I need a diary for my personal thoughts...
Im thinking....a red one...
From....prints. =)
I read this somewhere...
She said, "Only famous people keep diaries...''
He said, "One day ill be famous. "
Okay something just happened...
I need a guitar teacher...
11:35 AM

Oh by the way, I was watching this Oprah Winfrey show a few was about the sexes...Ahhhhh dont think dirty now..Naughty naughty aye...Hehe..Okay luh back to the point..About the sexes..About...males and females..Who has the final say in the end...Who has more power in society...Who ought to give in and basically whos in the wrong...
Women were calling in and complaining about their ex boyfriends, current boyfriends, current husbands, ex husbands etc etc. And this made me think...Yes...women may be in the wrong...but who says the men dont contribute to this issue? This is quoted by the special guest in the show..hes an author..will try to find out his name soon. He said this "Men do cheat...but they can only cheat if there are millions of other women willing to cheat along with them." Now, im not saying this isnt true. However, IF men never had the thought or the very idea of cheating, women would never have decided to tag along...
ANDDDD... i have a lottt more to say but im gonna get back to lesson. Will blog a proper essay about this soon though. Back to the MI days....GP...
11:35 AM
Sigh...i dont understand mechanics...bleahhh..
And yes im in school..
And you honestly dont know why?
I mean seriously?
Betray and pretend..
This is your new moto...
*rolls eyes*
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
7:24 PM
Funny things happened to me on my way back home today.
For some reason, i kept bumping into cute guys..
And they all smelled niceeee.
And i saw this ang moh carrying a bunch of red roses...
So sweet luh...
Okay its true i dont exactly like flowers..
But i do love red roses..
And it was sooo nicee..
I would definitely want my future boyfriend to buy me a bunch of red roses.
Rightttt..the feminine side of me...
Okay random.
And i miss the pasar malams...
2:00 PM in 'French' Class now! =)
Monday, October 26, 2009
7:49 PM
My eyes are swollen and they really hurt...
Why are guys such jerks?
Recently a lot of my friends have been getting hurt by guys..
Yet they say we hurt them?
Bullshit luh..
Went to watch the match at some coffee shop with Div's yesterday night.
And WHAT THE F***!
Liverpool - ManU
Sooooo NOT happy about this!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
9:40 PM
Christine Monique Samantha Francis ;)
12:51 PM
Mhmm back to school tomorrow..
But its not so bad luh.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
9:58 PM
Went to Renu's for deepavali today.
It was fun. was nice catching up with my old friends...
Mhmm yeahh....
Camwhored as usual.
Then uhhh bus-ed back with Nishaa.
And then went to have dinner with Mr Guru at Khatib.

Friday, October 23, 2009
7:15 PM
Yes i am emo-ing on the inside.
It hurts...its all hurts...
And i said ''I dont want to have anything to do with you anymore!''...
He shoots me a look ive never seen before..
His face fell
His eyes teared a little
He knew his mistake
Hurt made its prescence known between us
I felt his heart take on a faster pace
A pace that made him panic and feel scared...
Hurt, anger, sadness, confusion and fear stood between us.
I cried and i walked away...
And that was the end.
Im sorry baby..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
9:10 PM
You know what?....
I cant stop looking at the pictures..
7:13 PM

Joanna, me and Dephanie

Say hello to our French names =)

Uh...ive been going home LATE for the past few days...
Lacking alottt of sleep...slept only for 5 hours in the last 3 days..
And school is awesomee..
Jess is coming back this Sunday.
Cant wait to hang out with her.
And ive turned into a camwhore.
Not that i already wasnt one before..
Just that now..its baddd...
Haha it might wear off though?
Oh and im finally home early after school..
Its 7.15pm.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
2:00 AM
Just DIE you son of a bitch!
Just DIE!
This IS the end.
1:50 AM
I have awesommmee friends..
Love you guys very very much =)
Monday, October 19, 2009
11:57 PM
On Sunday night...i had an AWESOMEEE BLAST at Divya's place. shit!
Plus whoohooo whooohoo! =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009
2:01 AM
So im the bad person now aye?
Then ill just distant myself from everyone...
1:53 AM
Im shedding tears on my side too..
I feel confused and hurt and angry and frustrated and pained on the inside and cheated in a way and useless and i definitely feel like a LOSER and just....OH SO I DONT KNOW!
I dont know what im feeling...
And i hate it..
I told no one!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
6:13 PM
Shit! I think im gonna get a tattoo...i feel addicted to the one i 'have'. =)
2:04 AM
School is gonna starttt!
Friday, October 16, 2009
1:33 AM
Jeeviyan made me realise i need to prioritise stuff..
So this means ill be thinking alot for the next few days..
And my dad bought me an external hard drive..
Cause i decided to heed Ishaan's advice..
And thus i own my own external hard drive..
Also, my dad talked sense into me..
But still....
Arghhh i dont know luh..
Ill feel awkward and...
I dont know..
I really dont..
So confused right now..
Still dont know what the right thing is yet..
12:09 AM
i hate YOU!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
10:27 PM
Didnt go to work today..
Sprained my foot
And you made me realise..that ive not seen anyone from my own house for the past week?
Reminiscence of my past
Flashback to the old secondary two days..
It struck me like lightning..
One minute i was excited...
And...i really really dont know what im feeling and what i should do..
I wanna do the right thing.
Dont want to screw up again..
Quote of the day : She said: "Go to hell!" He said: "Alright. Im on my way." ;)
Monday, October 12, 2009
1:26 AM
On Saturday, met up with my ex MI classmates for Hari Raya visiting..or rather Raya Jalan like what Ashzton will say.
Nishaa, Nithiya, Renu, Zaleena, Asila and Masuri andd Hannan.
Went to Zaleena's to Nishaa's to Asila's to Hannan's house. Thats like from Boon Lay to Yishun to Bedok to Pasir Ris. I found out Hannan stays like 4 mins away from my dad.
Had alottt of fun luh. Really miss them lots..we literally couldnt stop talking cause theres really sooo much to talk about..and for the first time in months..i laughed like i never laughed before..
Then i went to meet ****at like 12am.
Got home only at 5pm.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
1:13 AM
Trained back with Ryan yesteday.
Bad mood today..
Sort of...
And whenever i see your face, my heart starts beating fast.
I love you.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
11:23 PM
I wish Divya was here...
Really need someone to talk to..
11:08 PM
Dinnered with Dom, Corrine and Puden yesterday.
Then we went shopping..
Haha it was super fun..
Kept a lot!
Today, ate with daddy and akka at Brotzeit..
The food was ''lecka''!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
1:17 AM
I see it coming...
And when it does...
I dont know what to do...
Monday, October 5, 2009
3:24 AM
Today is Jacinta's birthday...soooo...
3:16 AM
Work today...okay practically on Sunday, was...uhmm alot of things..
the weather was good..
i liked it..
cool and nice..
the people working that day was comforting..
Brenda and Rain were there..
but....some of the people werent in a good mood..
which sucks..
Ryan, Brenda and i were talking about ghosts on the way home in Juenn's car..
I think ill probably appear on some website or tv or someone's school project or something..
Cause everytime someone has a camera in their hands,
And when they are like videoing the band or something..
It always catches me for some reason.
Okay i pray that i wake up early tomorrow morning.
I think ill ask my mum to wake me up before going to work.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
12:46 AM
Went to Cafe Del Mar with Cass, Bren, Nessa, Ishaan, Isaac, Sathies, Gerald and Aaron today to celebrate Ishaan's 19th birthday and Isaac's 18th birthday. It was a fun surprise to both of them. They didnt see it coming. Yay!
We met at Bishan MRT at 10.25am? Got them a chocolate banana cake from Awfully Chocolate. It was goood! And i finally tried my Mojito. Its effing nice luh. And we ordered 2 jugs of cranberry vodka to drink. Then we played truth or dare. Most of us did dares. I kissed Gerald and Cass. SHIT! Then uhhh we swam over to this other island and found a starfish. Played with it..typical us.
And then the real fun began...we went back to Cafe Del Mar and swam in their pool for hourss..played blind mice in the pool and slacked and danced and talked and splashed water at each other. Some cute ang moh flirted with me. WHOOHOOO! And this ang moh guy taught us how to splash water at each other. Hahaha! Yup yup...then we washed up and headed back to vivo around 820pm?
Uhmm everyone else went home while Bren, Cass and i went over to Isaac's for dinner. His mum cooked for us thosai, some sambal and chicken curry. And it was good! :D Oh and i like his family a lott..they are really really nice people. Really! Thats like the ideal family i want to have in the future. Haha...
Oh it sucks...
What he said sucks...What she said sucks...Thinking my own friends actually know me when they dont sucks...and it also sucks when you are sort of left out. :(
Friday, October 2, 2009
2:10 PM
Yesterday, we got locked in the restaurant when work ended.
So we ended up having to climb out of the outdoor bar...
That was an experience..
I felt funny....climbing out of a bar in Orchard..
Like a criminal!
And Rain kept bullying me..
Bleahh okay im gonna be late for tuition and work..
See ya!