Wednesday, September 30, 2009
3:03 AM
Bren and i are starting to think alike!
Its a good thing luh..
And today at work...
Farhan said we can pass off as sisters...
I fell down today...
My feet hurts..
And add on to my swollen tiny toes on both my feet,
My largest toe of my right feet is also hurting badly..
I love my job and i love the people im working with..
All except one.
*wink wink*
Oh and this was our supper today...

potato and chicken =)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
2:39 AM
Cass came home!
Okay our home sucks but still....haha!
Went to work today...bumped into Bingei just before going to work. OMGGGG! I miss him so much can? Its been the longest time since i went to church and yes i miss us all! Haha this is the funny part..Bings and i hugged in front of the restaurant. And my boss saw us and his expression was priceless luh.
During the meeting we usually have before the night shift, he happily came sat down and interupted saying this: ''That one your boyfriend ah?" hahahhaa! Nonsense right...then he was like not bad...chinese someone...nono chindian right...and everyone else was like teasing me the whole day. Hahahah!
Friday, September 25, 2009
3:20 AM
Dinnered with Bren yesterday till like 130am plus?
The night yesterday was foggy..
And yet...
I walked home.
Cockroaches are gonna rule the world one day..
In case you guys havent noticed,
Theres a new kind of species of cockroaches...
Worked till 2am today...
Uhmmm today was a BUSY night..
Really busy
I didnt even have time to notice the band playing...
I just remember running around ALOTTT
And like being really aggressive..
Im proud of myself though...
Im a lil stronger....
I took it all and stayed firm
YOU! are still a bitch.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
10:53 AM
I passed my BTT!
I made it to Sem 2!
1:30 AM
Damn it..
Now i feel silly for doing what i did today..
And it was public!
But it was 5 days worth and...
Bleahhh it had to be set free..
Thank you people for everything though..
And Brendaaaa!
Thank you very very very much..
You know...everyone kept coming to me..
But it didnt make that much of a difference...
But when you did,
Haha i felt so much better..
Thank you babe!
Oh i got a lottt of compliments from a lot a lot of people today.. :)
And..i dont want to give up...
Im not going to..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
1:37 AM
Oh by the way....
in true blood, when the vampires cry..
its not watered tears that comes out of your eyes...
its blood!
Oh and Brenda thinks my dream will make a good horror movie:P
I have a plan...
for my dream...
and im gonna make it happen! :)
Yours truly,
With inspiration from Brenda...
Chrissy :)
1:23 AM
Met Bren this morning as usual..
Went to work..
Worked for 11 hours today..
Surprisingly, didnt feel that long..
And Bren and i are starting to really enjoy this job.
Uhmmmpphh i started out by cutting A WHOLEEE bucket of red chillies...
Okay now i feel like going to Chillies...
the club?
Just like what Ishaan said..we all have something in common..
two things actually..
1. being random
2. being crazyyy
Back to where i was...
Yeahhh and oh you know..
the people at my work place are UBER FRIENDLY and NICEEEE!
Like the people there keep trying to match make us..
Farhan keeps saying all the girls are lesbians...
The head chef keep joking and saying stuff like this chef can..this chef not available..
The other chefs keep disturbing me and saying stuff like NO! when i ask for a bowl.haha
but ill get it in the end..
like duhh!
Uhmmm my other colleagues are just damn nicee and fun people luh..
Coco gave me a free coffe latte to try..
And uhhh oh yeahh my boss, Jasbien?
He kept throwing coffee beans at me today...
And then he will sort of like hide behind this statue and pretend like he did nothing..
Oh and Brenda and i have a new Godpa...
Wanna guess who?
Okay go ahead...GUESS!
Need more time? Fine!!!
Give up...?
Haha okayy...
our new Godpa is......
*drum rollss*
Oh out of all the tips i earned today...
the most was a 10 dollar note from this ang moh guy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
1:18 AM
You are a BITCH!
Reached home around 330am after work.
I was shagged..
Brenda and Rain bullied me into drinking Tiger...
Haha i drank a lootttt!
They even poured their own drinks into my glass..
But i didnt finish it all ofcourse...
Today i saw an unusual sight..
I was at the circle line and saw this chinese man in his 40s,
listening to a hindi song from his phone..
It was on loud speaker.
Cooll...or whattt? missing a lot of people...
My dad,
My besties ofcourse though Bren and i meet a lot now for work,
Cass though shes coming back reallll soon,
Ashwin cause its been uber long since we had a conversation,
My secondary school drama mates,
My MI mates,
anddd ofcourse, my NYP friends...
Haha but im gonna see you guys soon yeah? ;)
Yesterday was one of my friend's birthday. So heres your shoutout...
I'd do something for you if you were here but sigh...
Its okay...
Will wait for you to return. =)
Current addiction : Hotel room by Pitbull. =)
Hotel Room Service Lyrics
I want everybody to stop what they're doing. Now if you know you're with somebody you're gonna take the hotel room tonight, make some noise...
Meet me at the hotel room [x4]
Forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room, you can bring your girlfriends and meet me at the hotel room. [x2]
We at the hotel, motel, holiday inn. [x4]
She like that freaky stuff, 2 and the O, 1 in the eye, that kinky stuff, you nasty, but I like your type and like T.I.'s, whatever you like. Bring your girls, whatever the night, your man just left, i'm the plump of the night, let me check your pipes, oh, you're the healthy type. Well, here goes some egg whites. Now gimme that sweet, that nasty gushy stuff, let me tell you what we gon' do. 2 + 2, i'm gonna undress you. Then we're gonna go 3 and 3 you gon' undress me. Then we're gon' go 4 and 4, we gon' freak some more, but first!
after party in the hotel lobby,
then we off to the room like vroom,with the grills in yo mouth trippin up yo blouse,and pull that g-sting down south uuu OK shawty, 1's company, 2's a crowd, and 3's a party. A girl ain't with it, I got somebody, in my nature she's naughty. Now gimme that sweet, that nasty gushy stuff. Ima tell you what we gon' do, 2 + 2, i'm gon' undress you. Then we gon' go 3 and 3, you gon' undress me. Then we gonna go 4 and 4, we gon' freak some more! But firstly...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
2:52 PM
fever alert...
and i dont feel like going..
do i have a choice?
2:38 PM
Ever wondered why you dont have any friends around you but just your own family?
Friday, September 18, 2009
10:57 PM
Okay the official post.. is really something..
I didnt expect it to be like this.
And uhhh okay i dont know what to say.
Just that its fun but tough at the same time.
Im off =)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
11:58 PM
Im gonna go crazy watching
Melrose place,
Gossip girl,
True Blood
and The Ugly Truth
10:50 PM
Work today was funnn...
Haha lunch was a eat all you can thingy
And we get free drinks
And the people there are sooooo niceee!
Bumped into Divya Kanakalingam on the way home at Northpoint..
She'll kill me if she saw that..haha!
Sorry babe i know another Divs too..

Was asking her if HE was around and she said should be...
Next thing i know, i really did see Mr-You-Know-Who.
Butt....he was with *** **********
And he avoided looking at me..
Anyways, i was uber sad until Brenda gave me hope.
Thanks babe! =)
And....Divya's friends are soo nice...
I made friends with like 7 people today..
Haha.. =)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
11:37 PM
hahahaha soooo
suddenly my food tastes better and my song sounds like heaven!
11:18 PM
Went for our second training at Indochine with Brenda. =)
Woahhhh training is soo fun can?
They gave us free drinks and food!
We even had a refill of coke..
cool...or what?
After training, Brenda and i went shopping at Far East.
Got my black shoes. =)
Uhmmmph okay im sooo happy once again but i shall not blog about that just in case.
Anyways, someTHING got me thinking about being polite and considerate...
To be polite or considerate, you need to think of how others would feel by your actions..
If its aggressive then obviously you will be hated.
And if its nice then well you know how it goes..
I mean seriously...
Do you even say sorry?
Boy i do have an ego for a girl...
But i make it a point to treat people around me like people..
You however are simply incorrigble!
Not to mention ruthless too.
We are afterall all from the human race..
So why the need to treat us any differently?
Being bossy or demanding for example,
will only lead you to a path where you travel away from your friends....
maybe then your family...
and soon....
Ive said sorry to you soo many times...
I think, even to say ive said too many sorry's IS an understatement!
You remind me of the devil god, Maryann, in True Blood...
Just that you cant get people to listen to you..
Not everything revolves around you
and if you even had any good qualities in you, you ought to know that..
But you dont!
So the words above shall speak it thoughts out...
And FYI, I've not lost...
You did..
I still have my friends...
Do you?
I rest my case.
12:47 AM
mhmmm i had fun yesterday,14 September 2009. *wink* *wink*
i had fun talking a lot to Brenda...
i always do!
and the pizza call to darlene...
super funney i tell you...
anyways..something upsetted me...
( i know upsetted doesnt exist..haha!)
but im soo glad and blessed ive got really good friends..
they cheered me up big time.
thank you people!!!
and i shall sing...
haha my friend and i used to sing that song..
those who know will probably be laughing about it now..
haha cause i definitely am!
ahhh those good memories...
ask me if you want to know what im talking about...
i change my mind..
ill go for the camp anyways :)
meant for cass.
mhhmmmphh...Homies or The Clique?
which is nicer?
The Clique reminds of me click 5
and the Homies is like what Ishaan said...
haha 'do we have to like talk like "heyy dude...whats up bro? yo!"..'
Cass is coming back..
if i could..
ill get someone to take a picture of me running in circles exciting n screaming cass is coming back!
haha :P
Sunday, September 13, 2009
10:52 PM sorry if i dont pick up your calls or reply to your phone is sort of spoilt...its keeps blanking out..and my keypads are screwed up. I really need a new handphone.
Thats a lousy reason to get pissed off about.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
11:01 PM
I did NOTHING today...seriously..
Yesteday however,....went to do my trial test for basic theory yesterday at 1pm. I booked two sessions...1 for practice..the other for the actual test. Met Marshali on the way. Haha we sat together at SSDC. He did his advanced theory test while i did my practice. Damn funny..i was like helping him to cheat. And in the end, he still failed..haha! Anyways i passed my trial test! 49/50. Yayness! Now ive got to do the actual basic theory. I WANT MY FULL MARKS! :D
Then i headed down to AMK hub for a while since i had an hour to spare. Window shopped and then i went for tuition. Left the place and took the circle line down to Sentosa's Cafe Delma..OH WAIT! Before i blog any further. OMG OMG OMG!
The monorail to sentosa passed by the Integrated resort where our very first proper 'disney land' is gonna be. AHHHHH! You MUST see the roller coasters! OMG LUHHH..They are HUGEEEE and twirly and i made a promise that im gonna go there at least once every year. I effing cant wait to go there luh! *squeels in delight!*
Anyways, Ishaan, Brenda, Nessa and Corvin were already there. I accidentally stepped on Nessa's slippers and got LOTS of sand all over it. HAHA sorry babe! Brenda and Ishaan had their matinis already. So i carried on with mine. I had a metropolitan martini. It wasnt really nice. Not strong at all. Like DUH!
We had a cherry stem knot tying contest. Hahaha.. Not really a contest luh. Uhh i tied a knot with the stem of the cherry from my drink. And then Brenda wanted it too. So we asked the waiter for 5 cherrys..and he said we could only have 2. So we were like okay. That will have to do then. And then..instead of the 2 cherrys..he came back with a cup full of ice and 7 cherrys! Cool or what? We all tried. Only Brenda and i could..though i took a longer time to. Haha....DAMN IT! My skills has become bad! Anybody wanna be my sheep? I need someone to practice on. HAHAHAHA!
After all the excitement over the cherry and not to mention all the dirty talk; HAHAHA!!!...we headed down to the beach and walked by the shore. And made footprints in the sand. And pushed each other and it was just basically fun. Camwhored and then we washed our feet and left.
Nessa left first so Brenda, Ishaan and i went into the pet shop to look at dogs. So cute luh! And then Ishaan and i bought Ben and Jerry's ice cream while Brenda had the pineapple cheese sundae pie from Long Johns. We sat outside on the stair and ate. Mhmmm yummylicious! Yup yup then we headed home around...945pm? 10pm?
We had fun fooling around and taking pictures on the way home too. =) All in all, it was a well spent day indeed. Not like today!

metropolitan martini
Oh and updates....melrose place is nice..watched the first episode of season 1. Now im waiting for epsiode 2 of melrose place's season 1 and 90210 episode 2 of season 2. Vampire diaries and Glee is nice too. =) Oh by the way im addicted to True Blood....
I think im a TV addict now. =D
Thursday, September 10, 2009
3:35 AM
Okay its 336am and im still up.
Was thinking of my halloween costume..
Didnt want it to be like last year..
Last minute and not so nice..
So yeahh....
I got it!
And i designed my costume already! :D
Now i just need to shop.
:D :D :D
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
11:21 PM
Currently having a conference and chats with my close ones - Darl, Brenda, Ishaan, Vincent and NC...and im loving it! :D
8:01 PM
*squeals in delight!*
Im on the last episode of True Blood.
It really isnt all that nice luh..
But i think im hooked.
And guess what? Guess what?
90210 Season 2's Episode 1 is OUT OUT OUT!
Downloading it now..
Absolutely cannot wait i tell you!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
8:52 PM
And the people there are soo friendly.
Like what Youwei said...
I get to meet different people from different walks of life.
Super happy luh. =)
12:47 PM
Going for training with Brenda later....
Oh and true blood is rather uhhmm sick?
Its really gory and theres a lot of open sex in it.
Like they show breasts and uhh them having sex and all..
Quite sick
And theres no story to it.
So i take back my words..
Its not all that nice after all...
Monday, September 7, 2009
7:09 PM
I feel like a loser with my parents around.
11:04 AM
I miss him very very much. =(
10:36 AM
I hate waking up like this. To one of my dads calls and end up crying in the morning. I mean how shitty can your day get? You wake up and cry? FUCK LAH!
I dreamt about him yet again. This time...though he was there....someone else deceived me. He pretended to be him. The point is...i dreamt about him yet again.
2:11 AM
I whole heartedly dedicate this post to ex.
Just these two paragraphs though by Lily Allen - fuck you very much.
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please dont stay in touch
Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words dont translate
And its getting quite late
So please dont stay in touch.
12:25 AM
6 September 2009
Went to town with Jacinta. Shopped. Okay she shopped. I brokee...effing broke! Sigh. Anyways i had fun.
Cockroaches are gonna take over the world one day. Seriously. And i hope i dont live to see it. I mean back in the old days, when you run towards a cockroach, it will run away. Now, in the modern days, it will run towards you. Like what the hell? They are scared anymore? This is something to think about. Maybe these roaches have like meetings and they discuss about issues such as taking over the world. Disgusting i must say!
True blood fever!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
1:11 PM the beginning...i had no jobs... bombarded with them..
Need to make a good choice and see which to forgo.
The fun yet dangerous and felxible one or the boring yet safe and no life one?
Oh and i didnt want to wake up.
I let myself sleep till 1240pm.
Cause i was dreaming of him.
And i really teared for real when i thought that he was dead!
12:45 AM
Whoohoo people!
So Brenda and i went job hunting yesterday. It was really fun luh. We applied at sooooo many many many places. Went window shopping here and there and uhh yeah. We applied at IC!!! Whoots! Hopefully we get the job there. And then we headed down to Paya Lebar to buy somethings. And then back to Far East cause Brenda wanted to get a top. Had dinner at Far East also and then headed home.
Okay three things to note :
1. I had the best fun through out the entire week with Brenda (cause ive been rotting at home the entire week).
2. At IC, they had a live band. And then it got me thinking...i prefer places with live band to chill at..its like sooo relaxing in a way? Ofcourse they've got to sing nice songs luh..
3. I realised i think about Mr You Know Who every single day...its officially been 229 days that you've still been occupying almost every single minute of my mind. Sigh i still love you...always will.
Friday, September 4, 2009
8:41 PM
BROKE....broke broke broke broke broke.
No actually...saying that im broke is an understatement...
6:36 PM
Went to the dentist today.
Haha it was crazzzyyy...
I need $140 a month...
will someone give me the money??
preety please with strawberry icing on top?
2:11 AM
I want to go to night safari!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
11:26 AM
Pfft :(
I dont feel very good...
By the way,
No one can ask for a better friend. ROCK ON! =)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
11:10 PM
Went job hunting with Joanna and Atiqah today. =)
Hoping that the shops will call us back.
Oh we also ended up watching The Proposal.
Its like a must watch.
My favourite part was when the grandmother and Margaret danced in the forest.
I swear i couldnt stop laughing.
OMG Ryan Reynolds is such a hottie!
The picture says it all..
Haha and then we had dinner at the banquet.
Oh all this happened in Lot1 and Causeway Point by the way.
Haha Jo and i sort of fasted along with Atiqah.
We also had oh so delicious cookies and cream and chocolate over
load ice cream over waffles at the Gelare.
To die for can?
Mhmm yup yup.
90210. 90210. 90210.
I stayed up watching that yesterday night.
Liam is like sooooo HAWTTTT with a double double H.
Haha theres no such thing right...
But omg im obsessed with 90210
Gonna spend my holidays watching online tv shows.
Oh yes its getting more and more real.
Im becoming a tv addict, :P
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
11:12 PM
I WANT a boyfriend who rides a bike..
random :/
12:17 AM
Logan promised to take me on his bike one day. =D