Monday, August 31, 2009
11:59 PM
Just watched Fringe and Criminal Minds...
woahhhh damn good...
really really damn good!
Foyet ;)
criminal minds. criminal minds. criminal minds.
Im so glad its the holidays now...
I get to watch a lot of teeeveee...
yeahhh i think im a TV addict now.
6:53 PM
I moved the position of my bed...
now my room looks spacier...
but i kinda liked it in the middle of my room.
Bleahhh ill leave it as it is for a while.
If i dont like it then ill just change it.
I want to paint my room RED.
Cause im in love with red. :P
But i bet my parents will think im crazy...
i JUST painted my room last december.
if i can afford it then i will buy the pain myself and do it luh.
So i did my last exam paper today - Manufacturing Technology.
Sounds chim?
But huraaaah!
The exams are over and done with...
Now the 6 week holiday has commenced.
My next problem...what to do during the holidays?
Met Govan today.
Actually he picked me up from school in his dads car after my paper.
Headed down to i dont want to say where to have lunch.
And then he dropped me off at Bugis..
I did some shopping.
Sad to say,
it was rather meager..
Oh wells...
another adventure,
another day i guess.. =)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
11:49 PM
Friday, August 28, 2009
10:25 PM
Jealous much?
Damn feeling jealous when i really shouldnt be.
It is really really unfair you know...
Double sigh!
Jel -lous
Okay is there even such a thing?
Bleahh im not making sense.
Bottom line is that..
hard to believe but im...
Yeah i AM bored...
Okay for some reason i think i spelt jealous wrongly..
Maybe i typed too much of it looks funney?
Funny was intentionally spelt as funney by the way..
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
11:17 PM
Ajit! Good luck for your paper tomorrow. You can do it! =D
9:04 PM
Okay so the Singapore idol 2009 is here. A few of my friends took part in it..and guess was the telecast of the top 24. Two of my friends, Frances Maria and Charlene Tan got in. And ohhh my gosh! Im telling you...they sooo deserve it. My votes definitely goes to you girls. Rock on babes! =D
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
11:01 PM
Sigh..met Ashzton just pass him back his stuff..finally!
But....he wants me back...:/
2:03 AM
Did my math exam yesterday. It was managable i must say.
After the paper, :

me and Atiqah

Me, Atiqah, Yixiu anf Gael
Met Brenda after the paper at YCK MRT. Headed down to Yishun to catch a movie - Where got ghost? Haha i was the only indian in the theatre. :p After that, we walked down to Shannons block and played with Debbie- his dog. Reached home around 1040pm i think? Will upload pictures soon. =)
Current mood : Exhausted....muscles aching...i NEED NOW!
Monday, August 24, 2009
1:30 AM
Haha okay this is hilarious..
Brenda and i were chatting aroung 120am and this was how the conversation went like..
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
oh babe!
i had a dream...
Brenda says :
yes yes!
hahaha what!
new life as a lemon?
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
hahaha a bunch of indians were beating me up!
hahaha no luh
Brenda says:
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
but that wud be cool
Brenda says:
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
hahaha nono
to lead a new life as a lemon
like imagine in ur dream..:
u are a lemon
Brenda says:
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
and uhh wait what does a lemon do?
Brenda says:
get squeezed?
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
hahaha OMG
Brenda says:
sounds kinky!
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
i know
Brenda says:
isn't that what lemons do?
like get squeezed on like, hokkien mee or something.
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
haha omg! getting squeezed on hokkien mee is like a group orgy
Brenda says:
and some people suck on lemons. like in their drinks? you know, those restaurants where they put a piece of lemon in your drink?
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
i couldnt help it
haha u know my lemon nick was supposed to be innocent...
Brenda says:
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
look at what its become!
Brenda says:
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
hahaha truee
Brenda says:
so you wanna be a lemon?
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
hahaha maybe after my married then i can be a certified legal one
Brenda says:
you wanna be squeezed!!!
Chrissy -im off to lead a new life as a lemon says:
dont u?

Sunday, August 23, 2009
8:01 PM
What if my best isnt good enough? :/
3:41 PM
I love you and no one deserves you more than us =D
Cheer up k?
We'll go have fun and chillax tomorrow! :D
3:23 PM
Dont know why...but ive been feeling uber crappy for the past few days.
Like life is just a boring repetitive cycle.
Wake up, go to school, study study study sleep.
Theres really nothing to look forward to in life now...
Arghhhh i need the holidays..
Like NOWWW..
But then, ill have to plan and make it fun.
Maths exam tomorrow....
Current status : NOT PREPARED!
Sherman(my bro) can do like everything and my sis is a straight A student and is the head of events and publishing of the mass comm society in her school. She already knows the director of media corp etc etc luh. And when i think about it all and place myself in, i keep asking myself....what about me? What can i do? What have i done? Unlike my siblings, im failing everything...okay i exaggerated. not getting As and im not doing very well sooo out of place..sigh...this feeling sucks..really..
1:02 AM
21 August 2009 - night time
Brenda cheered me up today.
But seriously....when he asked me so hows it in NYP....i wanted to burst into tears...=(
Friday, August 21, 2009
11:40 AM
Ooohh and i think this models haircut is rather glamorous...dont you think?
11:30 AM
Taking a mini break from studying for maths and my mind wandered off to heels...

Thursday, August 20, 2009
11:14 PM
Okayy this is one of my favourtie times of the year...VICTORIA'S SECRET FASHION SHOWWW! =D
The models and costumes are sooo preety luh! And usher sang in the opening. =)

9:03 PM
Today is my sister's birthday.

Screwed up today. And she pissed me off. Sigh.
Anyways, i think im addicted to heroes...Oh My Godddd its sooooo good! haha..
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
12:05 AM
A new journey. =)
Its soo hot these days. UGH!
Oh and i got to reply to a few pending emails..arghh...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
2:45 PM
Rabne Banadi Jodi is awesommeee...haha really nice...i like the theme music.
Okay so this is what ill be facing in the next month..lols..
17 August - Biomodelling test 2-4pm
18 August - BT Trial Test at 745pm
20 August - Akka's 24th birthday
22 August - Briefing on Presidents Challenge Charity Carnival?
24 August - Maths
28 August - EPC
29 August - Presidents Challenge Charity Carnival?
31 August - Man Tech theory
Yup yup...anyhoos...just finished reading Operation Sunshine by Jenny Colgan. Its not the best book or anything but yeah its alright luh. Thhough i have to say..its a little...pathetic..Evie i mean..
Friday, August 14, 2009
9:52 PM
Oh by the way, yesterday, before the Chemistry test, half my class was inh LTQ9 instead of LTQ2 and we were watching KUMAR DRAG QUEEN on youtube. Haha hilarious i tell you!
Reviews on the exams so far....
Chemistry - managable.
Biology today - uhh idiot proof? It was bloody openbook throughout luh! Studied for nothannggg...
Man Tech CNC Milling - alright luh..i think i can pass.
Haha bumped into Dom on the way home. Hahahaha..had fun talking to him. And he hates me cause i like CNC Milling..=( Haha..
Okay i spent $6.90. JUST spent it. Why? Cause its a Friday night and oddly enough..theres nothing to do and nothing to watch. So i borrowed Rabne Banadi Jodi. Sharukh khan is acting..=D And also, i borrowed it cause Atiqah has been telling me yeaps...gonna watch it. Oh i spent so much cause...whats a movie without a drink and foooooddd?!?!?!?! =D off to watch the movie.
12:09 AM
Okay..yay..i bumped into ALOT of people today..uhhh Mizrahi, and alot of other old secondary school friends. They all made my day..not that it was any bad to start out with. But yeahh..and uhh haha oh i was walking past 4 guys from my sec school and one of them when like "ehh...this is the banana girl!'' in chinese and pointed at me..hahaha! After soo many years and they still call me that. hahaha....Funnneyyy sheaaattt..hahahaha!
Oh and brenda, bings, shannon and i were having a would have been better if not all of us were busy. Haha..aights back to studying for Bio. =)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
1:25 PM
2:39 AM
Haha had a good chat with Ashwin today. Smiles...
Uhh my chemistry paper is in uhmmm 14 hours. FUGGG! Im still studying for it..and im really scared that i wont make it. HELPPP!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
11:32 PM
My head eye feels swollenly painful...i feel body is aching terribly...and its like ive got my menses crams when im not supposed to have any especially when its not time.
Fuck..i think these are signs of depression...are they?
Suddenly....i think ive lived enough..i dont want to carry on with life and its struggles...
Yes im a coward..i choose to run away.
And this is the path i want to take.
9:13 PM
Something happened today..and im damn pissed about it...
Then again..something else happened and i feel...lighter on the inside...i was crying really badly about something that happened the day after my 18th birthday. Really really badly...and i was soo hurt. I still feeling the hurt unwinding itself within me again...but yeahh i told Vicky everything. I never told anyone..i mean how could i? But i told Vicky. Cause i trust him...and he was sooo sooo pissed...but i convinced him not to do anything. And i guess we are back to being friends. Im grateful for that...=)

Gael, me and Yixiu =)

Sha, me and Joanna

Atiqah and i

Aerzam and i

Dephanie, me, Yan ling

Sha gave us the butterfly rings. =)
Monday, August 10, 2009
8:00 PM
Somebody please smack my head and command me to study...pleaseee...
I dont have the motivation.. sigh..
4:32 PM
My soo meann...not to me though..and my crush..just isnt Mr You Know Who..sighs..
12:52 PM
Im supposed to be studying...but instead i was watching pucca...haha it doesnt make sense but its a nice cartoon. At least i enjoy it. =D

I successfully pulled out over 10 strands of hair today...sigh!!!
Okay im going to study...
Ok ok now...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
8:04 PM
Its national day and the parades sooo damn boring....i decided not to watch it at all. Lols..
The agenda for what i did for national day.
1. Met up with Brenda and Gerald for prata lunch.
2. Period.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
9:27 PM

Okay uh....ALL my timetabled lessons were cancelled yesterday. teachers can really slack if they want to. Ugh..we effing woke up so early to waste our time in school luh!
Anyways, me, Atiqah, Dephanie, You Wei, Lawrence, Xin Wei, Salam and Liang Yong went to AMK Hub to watch 'Up' since we only had to be in school at 2pm for our presentaion. Its a nice movie luh. We managed to catch it in 3D. =) Saw my cuzzie Damien working there at the ticketing counter. But he was busy with customers so i didnt bother disturbing him. Haha...
Well...i screwed up my presentaion. And yes im still upset. Saw Ren Zhong yesterday at the Yishun MRT Station after such a LONNNGGGG time! Goodness..he looks tanned...cause of dragon boat. So many people are joining dragon boat. Makes me wanna join it too. Lols... walked back with him. And my feet HURT...cause of the shoes i had to wear cause of the presentation...blisters...arghh...


I practically did nothing today...spent the whole day in. And i hate it when im occupied with nothing. I start to think about Mr You Know Who. Sighs...really really miss him. And theres really no one else like him.
Desperately want to turn the clock backwards to when i was secondary 2 again. And i wanna relive my life from 2005 -Jan 2009 over and over and over and over again. Just so that i can talk to you....just talk to you again.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
8:29 PM
Phewww finally finished the biomodelling homework. Now ive got to work on my 5 min presentation tmr...
FUCK LAHHH...i think im going bald...
3:02 PM
I do feel bad..but more upset and angry than my guilt... tomorrow....
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
11:43 AM
Ill stay here and rot while you have fun away okay. FUCK! Im giving up driving..
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
11:49 PM
I feel so darn bloody torn apart....try living my life at home. Its MENTAL TORTURE! FUCK im just too upset to say anything luh. I just HATE my mum....
Was so pissed, went out to spend money...before heading to town, lunched with Azri..spent A LOT of time talking over lunch. was an interesting chat. =)
Monday, August 3, 2009
7:28 PM
My dad is really cute luh. He came over to read the bills and all. He helped me fix my fan. And before leaving, he did this and left it on my sisters table. Haha...

7:06 PM
I LOVE history soo willing to share abit of history here.

The Japanese realized that they were imposing increasingly heavy burdens on Southeast Asians populations.
To ensure the continuing loyalty of these populations, they tried to persuade them that they too, had a stake in a Japanese victory, that is the maintenance of their 'independence'.
Burma and Philippines were given the status of independent countries within the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere. Advisory Councils made up of indigenous officials were formed in Malaya and Indonesia.
On 22 Janurary 1932, Prime Minister Tojo, in his speech to the Japanese Diet(Parliament) announced that Japan would grant independence to Burman and the Philippines because of their contributions to the 'substantial progress' of the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere.
In these colonies, the Japanese military administration would officially cease to function. The new governments would conclude treaties with Japan and declare war upon the United States and Britain.
10:45 AM
This is how Brend, Cass and i looked like when we were 16?...Haha...OMG its only 2 years ago luh! And my MI class picture..

Sunday, August 2, 2009
12:24 AM
This post is meant for uhh the 1st of Aug 09.
OMG! I bumped into my secondary school's math teacher Mr Teo when i went down to the market to get lunch. The nightmare as i would say..