Friday, July 31, 2009
6:59 PM
Great! My entire class is quarantined for a week till the 7 of August. not blaming anyone. Im just annoyed with the school. But its okay. Will have to make full use of the one week then. Except for EPC, both Chem and Man tech were cancelled. Teachers were scared i suppose. Lols.. Ate with Sha and Yan Ling after school at the Mac canteen.
Oh we cammed around the manufacturing area and the mechatronics hub and found a cow hung on the frontdoor of a teachers room.
I feel like going swimming leh...haha.

The COW!

This is what you deal with if you are in mechatronics.

Dephanie, me and Sha

Great! My entire class is quarantined for a week till the 7 of August. not blaming anyone. Im just annoyed with the school. But its okay. Will have to make full use of the one week then. Except for EPC, both Chem and Man tech were cancelled. Teachers were scared i suppose. Lols.. Ate with Sha and Yan Ling after school at the Mac canteen.
I feel like going swimming leh...haha.
Oh and HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY SURAJ!!! Haha stay handsome always!
12:21 AM
Heys all...GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!
Its already a Friday...SHEEAAATTTT! Okay nevermind. This post is strictly meant for Thursday okay. Anyways, Out of 23 people from my class, only 12 turned up today. Wahhh. Why? Cause everyone had fever and flu and were on MC. OMG! By the end of the day, only 9 went for Com Skills cause 3 more fell sick. Double OMG! Sighs...people....get well soon okay! =)
But i had fun with the people who came today. Haha we talked and joked about crap though the day was really a bore. Believe it or not, out of 10 hours of school, we only had a productive 4. Like what the hell right?
Ooohh and i spent time during EPC -(its like physics) and i managed to solve soooo many questions on my own! =) Yippe doo!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
10:32 PM
Lets pretend EPC(electrical principle circuits - its really like physics) spurred some interest in me....
This is RC Transient Analysis:
1. time constant = RxC (s)
2. time to fully charge =5 x time constant[RxC](s)
3. Vc(t) = Vs(1-e to the power of -t/RxC)
4. ic(t) =Im e to the power of -t/RxC
5. Im = Vs/R
6. Vc(t) = Vm prime e to the power of -t prime/RxC
7. Im prime = [Vm prime = Vs ]/R1 + R2
10:16 PM
School was absolutely and utterly HORRENDOUS today! Mhmmm just the biomodelling part luh. I swear i was going to cry..its like a test of my patience! Arghhh.... But...Atiqah came to the rescue...haha thanks babe...really! I was still feeling a lil upset about not being able to do it myself. While going home, bumped into Dominic. Haha always hump into him now and then...same school whattt!!! Yeahh he really cheered me up. Made me laugh and all..hehe thanks Dom!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
10:30 PM
Updates are here.....
So im re-reading can u keep a secret because....well because i have no more books to read. Gonna save up and buy some more books.
Went to school with Prasad yesterday...
Today,...nothing much happened...same old same old. Haha but this random group of guys were sitting outside Block S level 3's classrooms while waiting for lessons to start. While walking past them to leave Block S, one of the guys went like ''Can help me up? I want to....." Haha and i was like ''really?'' Then he was like ''You will really do it?'' So.......I DID IT! Lols...hahaha okay i just thought that was weird. Haha...was rather busy in school today i would say... Assignments to complete..reports to collect yada yada yada...
Ps: Im desperately hunting for a new church to go to. I dont think i'd ever want to return to this one anymore..its really happened again today...sighs..

Friday, July 24, 2009
10:17 PM
Today was uhhhm... okay luh. Haha today Zhan Le was like ''Teacher...if you give us 4 hours of Manufacturing Techonology, its very dry....'' And Lawrence replied, ''Dry? Then put moisturizer la!'' ...HAHAHAHA!
Met Divya, had lunch with her and accompanied her till her driving lesson started. Haha had long since we talked! =) Oh and i love her for saying that she thinks that what ever happened on my 18th birthday about Mr-you-know-who, is more than a coincidence...THATS WHAT I THINK TOO! Haha.. Yay!!!
Ooooh! Im talking to my crush now. Haha hes so nice luh!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
9:14 PM
School is getting really boring.
Anyways, something to blog Dephanie was saying something about Ian's hair. Supposed to be ''permed hair right?''...instead, it came out as ''sperm hair right?" HAHAHAHA!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
11:46 PM
Didnt go to school today...sighs...
And thank you people for checking in on me and informing me of what to do and the homeworks and tests and all. =)
Oh haha i decided to disturb Aerzam(my classmate), and this was how it went:
Me: tsk!
Aerzam: What did i do this time
Aeram: I told you already
Aerzam: It wasnt me
Aerzam: I didnt do it
Me: Hahaha!!!
Aerzam: Why dont you believe me
Aerzam: Please
Aerzam: I beg you
Me: Hahaha crazy luh you!
Aerzam: Hahaha
Aerzam: Yes?
Monday, July 20, 2009
11:41 PM
I had the momentum when i came home....but somehow...i lost it. I really dont know how. Sighs..
Anyways, did a communication skills presentation on the skit with Adeline and Salam today. It was fun acting. I miss drama. GAHHHH! Im left with one more assignment in week 16 for Com Skills..thats like the MAJOR one....hope i do well for that:/
Im hair is dropping like A LOT! =( I think im goin bald...
By the way.....HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ASHWIN! =) Its in red cause u like red.
2:01 AM
I feel absolutely crappy! Its 2.2am. And ive got to get up at 6am. I dont want to go to school! I really really really dont! Im on the verge of crying here.
I feel like like i time travelled back into the past. Back when i was in primary school. Or WORSE! Back to my nursery days. I used to cry like crazy cause i hated school so much! Now schools fun. But its really tough. What im doing is really really tough. And ive lost absolute interest in the course. I no longer want to do this course. But i dont have a choice now do i? Im stuck with this course for another 2 and a half long years...sighs...
I even keep sighing to myself alot right now. I need sleep. I wish i can just sleep for days...more like hybernate and get my energy back. Arghhhh bottom line is that im stressed luh. Really stressed up. Okay i think im gonna go cry now...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
1:22 PM
Today i woke up crying cause i had a bad dream. And it seemed so real...=(
Watched a movie with Atiqah and Kennard on Friday after school since school ended at 10am. Then met Thishalini and went down to Doby Ghout to meet Govan and Logesh. Walked down to tekka to eat lunch. Woahhh! YUMMY! Its like the longest time since i ate proper food luh. But its still not home cooked. Sighs... Uhm then we went to this new shopping centre nearby and slacked at the star bucks there. Took photos and took 857 back to yishun. Thishalini got off at Khatib to go home. Logesh, Govan and i went to Northpoints mac to slack again. Haha...then we all went off in different directions. LOL...will upload the pictures soon.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
10:28 PM
The usual usual...practically slacked the entire day. I only learned something during EPC and maths. School was from 8am-6pm. Crazy huh? There was only uhh 3 hours of constructive lessons out of the 10 hours of school. LOLS.
Results were demoralising as usual.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
7:13 PM
School started. Arghhh another 4 more weeks to the final exams? That means ive got to start studying already. Bahhh...
Haha Ian is pestering me for that guys name....nooooo! Im not telling anyone else! Meant to be known by my classmates only..ARGHHH...hahaha
6:51 PM
Sunday 11 July 2009Heyy heyy.....shannon woke me up...made me go for mass with him. Its been really long since i attended mass...thanks Shannon! After mass, went to help out for cathegism class. Greg, Joshua and uhh some guy was there. Messaged Bings cause we couldnt find him after mass. He went for the 1145am one. So he came up to class after mass. Then we went to Y21 coffee shop to have lunch.
After that, we headed towards different places. I went over to Darls. Her mummy cooked Bajak!!! =) Haha we spent over an hour looking at hot guys from my facebook. Shhhh! Mhmmm Ian and Kevin came over. And in the evening, we ordered pizza and celebreated both Darls and my birthday. Haha that was like my 4th cake this year?!?!?! Hahahaha...THANK YOU PEOPLE!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
12:14 AM
Okay more updates.... first and foremost(lol so formal) its already the 12th of July 2009. This
means one thing...its Vanessa's birthday!!!! HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY BABE! =) Just like i did for Darlene, ill dedicate this entry to you in your favourite colours too. =)
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Met up with Brenda, Darlene, Vanessa, Ishaan and Shannon to go to Doby Ghaut's Glass House's Fish and Co to celebrate Darlene's, Vanessa's and my birthday. second celebration. Thanks guys!
I met Ishaan and Vanessa at Plaza Singapura first. Haha this is something to blog about. Uhh some guy went up to Ishaan and Nessa and handed a PINK BALLOON to Ishaan saying "For your girlfriend". Ishaan went like ''Oh shes not..." and still took the balloon! Hahahhahaha...Nessa made Ishaan carry the pink balloon around. Some girls laughed at him! :P And then we all split up to buy presents for each other(Nessa and i) and Darl. That was really fun luh! Haha i felt like we were on a tv show where they will give us money and we will have to split and like quickly buy things. Just that we had to use our own money here. Haha..uhh we met back at the entranceof Plaza Sing and guess what....Ishaan was standing in the middle of the entrance holding 3 bouquets of flowers! - yellowish orange, yellow and white. Hahahha...i took the white, Nessa took the yellow and Darl got the yellowish orange. Thank you Ishaan! Haha and then Nessa was like ''Chrissy!!! Why did you choose white? Its the funeral colour!'' Hahahaa..and Ishaan was like ''Well in my country, white symbolises pease..'' I took white cause i like white.:P Then we met Darl and rushed down to meet Bren and Shannon at the glass house. They were already seated there luh. We all bought the best fish and chips in town and 2 large drinks to share - Sea Monkey Freeze and Sharkie Freeze. Shannon was cranky..hahahaha!!! Cass this is where you should say...take that!
Uhhh everything was good. And then the staff there made Nessa, Darl and i stand on top of the chair and sang a happy birthday song for us. I honestly didnt know the lunch was for me too luh! Haha but yeaahhh all eyes were on us. We also had the firecrackers each and a cake! The cake was nice luh. Some orange, white chocolate and chocolate thingy. Left the place after eating the cake.
Shannon went home to sleep, Darl went to settle some things and Ishaan went to Issac's place. That left me and Bren. We went down to Clarke Quay and met Phi there. Then we went shopping. Hehe we all bought things. We got bored of that place cause its more of a night life thingy there. So we took a bus down to Far East Plaza. Hahahahaha! Bren and Phi made my dream come true. We walked into a sex shop! YAY!!! Lols....went around shopping again. Phi left earlier cause he was meeting the soccer guys from MI. Oh by the way, Phi was from MI last time too. =) Yeaps then Bren and i continued shopping. We left the place around uhh 8pm plus? Trained back home. Just that i didnt go all the way home. Went to meet my dad, sis, Sherman and Vicky for dinner at Yishun 21. Had seafood. The kang kong was SHOIK! I love kang kong! Haha..and i met Paaven and Subeer there too. Yeapps thats about it luh. Thats how i spent my Saturday.
And oh DAMN IT! I freaking over slept luhhh....thus, i didnt go for floorball today. Training was supposed to be at 10am. I woke up at 10.30am. Didnt see a point in rushing down since i had to leave at 1145am anyways. I would have reached there at what.....1130am? Sighs...CHRISSY! MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND THE NEXT TRAINING!!!
Thursday, 9 July 2009.
Had lunch with Joanna, Vinitha and a few others after the Bio common test in North Point. While walking out of North Point to go home, i spotted NC!!! So i joined him. Ashton and their other friend were there too. Ahhh that reminds me.. Need to meet up with NC! Have to carry out our Malaysia plans also..hahaha
Friday, July 10, 2009
12:40 AM
Dear me in getting over this addiction. I need to change for the better...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
10:43 PM
I MISS ASH! And i think it was me...i was the jerk in the relationship. Hes been nothing but a really really good boyfriend to me. Whats wrong with me? Sighs....
8:20 PM
Okay updates...on Saturday evening, went to Millennia walk with my dad, sis, bro and Vicky to feast at 'Outbacks' this Australian restuarant for my birthday. The food was good. I didnt snap any pictures though. But my dad did. Will get it from him soon.
Mhmmm the exams so far are okaayyy...Manufacturing Technology, Biology and Physics left to go. Wish me luck!
And by the way THANK YOU YIXIU AND GAEL for the present!=)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
11:38 PM
Firstly.... HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY DARLENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all love you babe! You are gonna have a great year ahead...with us ofcourse! Hehe...and since its your birthday, im gonna dedicate this post to purple. :D
Monday, July 6, 2009
7:53 PM
My eyes hurt from crying so much....and i still cant stop crying. Ive never felt so effing hurt before...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
1:05 AM
Yesterday, me, Shannon, Brenda, Bingei, Darlene and Ishaan went to Sentosa to celebrate my birthday. =D Met Shannon and Darl first. We took the circle line and went to Harbourfront. Met Brenda, Ishaan and Bingei there. Had dinner at the coffee shop and left for Sentosa. Haha we took a lot of pictures....and then we went to Cafe Delma to drink. The place there is really awesomee luh. Very resort like. But i have to agree with Bingei luh...the music they played was very sensual like. And there were alot of beds and mini huts. Haha very interesting. But yes its a very nice place. And then we missed the last train home. So we took the shuttle bus and made our way back. Thank you guys for doin this for me. It really was awesome and i did have fun! :D

By the way, im having one of the WORST nights ever! Came home, there was a HUGE bee in my lift. Realised it only when the doors closed. I was like OH FUCK! Ran out of the lift when it got to the 12th floor...there were three more bees at the corridor. Quickly got in my house. There was a bee in the bathroom. Locked myself in my room with the windows shut. But guess what? I nearly died once again. The fan literally came flying out with the blade loose! WTF?!?!?!?!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
11:29 PM
So today was my birthday. Im finally 18!!! Uhhh my dad brought me to SSDC to register for driving. That was his present to me. THANK YOU DADDY! And then my sister and i went to town. She treated me to a pedicure at Far East Plaza and to Breeks for dinner at Takashimaya. THANK YOU TO YOU TOO!
Over 50 people wished me and a freaky thing happened today. Mr-you-know-w
ho literally haunted me today. LITERALLY!!! I saw his ex at SSDC with my friend. My
friend and her are together now. And then i saw this girl he used to like alot at Cannelli at Orchard. And then the scariest part. When i was looking through the menu in Breeks, I came across this meal that said this Fish and Paprika Prawns "Mr-you-know-who". Freaky or what?!?!?!?!

Surprise cake from my mum and sis at 12am=)

From Jess =)
And okay Naz just sent me this crazy link :
And he thinks im crazy.... hahaha!