Tuesday, June 30, 2009
11:42 PM
Sighs...im really really worried for my dad. Last christmas, his diabeties worsened....now...his spine is hurting again. About 10 years ago plus, he had the same problem and went through an operation. It was a 50-50% chance of survival kind. This time, if it worsens, he either has to go through the operation again or choose to live with the pain. The thing is, if he does go through with the operation, then...its a lesser than the 50-50% chance of survival again. Because hes older now. Hes in his 50s...and its risky. Im scared...=(
So Michael Jackson passed away when he was 50years old. So did Elvis Presley. And a lot of other people. Why? Why do the good people always leave the world faster than the not so good ones? Why?
Dear Lord, i pray that my dads health gets better...*sighs :(*
1:47 PM
Okay i left off half way just now because apparently, my Biomodelling teacher could see my laptop's screen. Okay i actually dont have anything to blog about. Gonna start studying. ..
8:03 AM
Oh shit! Its a Tuesday already...i did manage to complete what i planned to study yesterday..BUT...i need help with EPC.. Seriously...PHYSICS IS A KILLER! Arghhh..
And oh shit its a Tuesday already because..
1. Im left with 6 days before my common tests starts and
2. Its my last day of being 17.
So boohoo!
Monday, June 29, 2009
3:23 PM
Psst okay...i have a confession to make...im not at all ready for the exams....SHITZO!
By the way...pictures of cass leaving for Melbourne - 25 June 09

Sunday, June 28, 2009
9:50 PM
Friday- Sunday.
Practically did nothing luh. The weather here has been nice. Been raining in the afternoons. So its not that humid. But yeahh i better start studying too. The extra one week of holidays is like a blessing in disguise. CHRISSY! Take advantage of it and start studying yeah?
Sighs...i dont miss him anymore. Its like my feelings have sort of subsided...
And its nights like these...its nights like these when i just need a companion. A midnight friend perhaps. Someone to talk to. So lonely...and i cant possibly talk to my sis only can i? I mean i cant tell her things i need to talk about. We just arent like that.
So my birthdays coming...im happy cause i can finally go clubbing and uhh sign up for my driving lessons. Im sad cause im turning a year older. I never really like birthdays. They are always the same.
And Michael Jackson passes away. OMG! Shocking really! Its like i grew up listening to him. And now that hes gone, i feel like a part of my childhood has gone away too. Hes really good. REALLY! And funny how i start to appreciate him now that hes gone when he wasnt around at all. For the first time ever, i feel sad that an artiste has passed away. He re
ally is a legend. I do believe that we will all meet one day. Perhaps when that day comes, ill finally get to meet the great king of pop.
R.I.P MJ..=)

ThursdayMy best friend, Cass, left for Melbourne for 3 months!!! ARHHHHHHH! 3 MONTHS!!! Haha okay okay it will pass...and yes we will miss her lots but i know shes gonna have fun there cause ive been there and i know:) Babe...i think it was in melbourne...or was it sydney,...i fed duck and pigeons potato chips. When i ran out of it, i walked away n was chased by the bird family. OMG! Haha...you should try it. =)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1:07 AM
4 and a half hours of math lesson today...OMG!'
Talked to Ash for about an hour..and he remembered my birthday..=) YAY!
Monday, June 22, 2009
11:34 PM
Hehe...uhhh ON Sunday...went for mass with Shannon, Cass and Brenda. Took pictures....

Shannon's injured foot...GET WELL SOON YOU!

Oh it was also Father's day then. So yeahh HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD! I LOVE YOU!!! =)
Went to Down town east with my dad, sis, Vicky and Sherman. Then we went for a paranakan dinner(my dads favourite) at uhh Aranda Country Club in Pasir Ris.

Fathers day ice cream cake

Peranakan food

Anniversary wine


My bro sherman

After which, went for my cousin's 21st chalet in the night with my mum...Happy 21st Birthday Evelyn! =)

Saturday, June 20, 2009
5:21 PM
Heys all! Sian! A whole weeks worth of entries to blog about ..../gahhh! Okay okay i better get started.
Uhmmm...Sunday, 14th of June 2009, went to St Anthoneys with Cass, Brenda, Shannon, Bings and uhh Benjamin. It was their feast day.

Wednesday, 17th of June 2009, went for Chemistry make up lesson. Left an hour early with Joanna and Suria though cause well...we didnt have any questions to ask. Spent about 4 hours plus in school slacking.

Thursday, 18th of June 2009, went to eat Kenny Rogers with my sis for lunch at Novena Square. They have awesome chicken! Ooohh their corn muffins are also to die for. =)

the corn muffin
Friday, 19th of June 2009, there was the samba masala group playing music in Northpoint. Yes, they were called samba masala.Haha! They were loud in a good way and interesting. Then i went to Arab Street with Darlene and Cass to watch this Canadian band, Quinzy, play their gig at this Blue Jazz cafe. AWESOMMEE PEOPLE, AWESOMME MUSIC, AWESOMME CUTE GUYS...esp the pianist. Hehe! Oh and Darl and Cass both bought me their CDs as an early birthday present and got them to sign it for me. Its personalised cause they even wrote happy birthday on it for me. =)
Aights...enjoy the pics. =)