Sunday, May 31, 2009
9:09 PM
Im scared to meet him =(
Friday, May 29, 2009
10:44 PM
I spent 5 mins this morning petting about 6 cats under my block...LOL!
Okay really today was good i would say. At least the first half was good. I understood what Mdm Poon taught us during EPC this morning. Oh and i kinda made a fool out of myself three times during EPC?
1. Mdm Poon called my name and i just said here...then she looked around and was like where? Then i said here again...cause i was lazy to raise my hands. And she was like where again and found me. Haha..then she said i hear here here but cannot see you. Haha.
2. Mdm Poon wanted to reconfirm that Atiqah the class rep wouldnt be able to make it for lesson cause of cca. And i shouted that im the assistant class rep. And she said...haha i not asking you that. Im talking about the class rep!
3. I miscalculated something when Kenneth gave the answer. Then i raised my hand and was like isnt the answer wrong and then i was like ohhh sorry sorry...i forgot to minus off 1.5. Haha then Mdm Poon was like ah wrong ah? No not wrong...aiya...assistant class rep how can be like that? Hahaha,...
Organic Chemistry project is still on going and Manufacturing Technology trial test was good i would say. I could roughly do it. Oh my stomach growled VERY LOUDLY during the test. Hahahaha embarassing. Atiqah kept laughing. Hahaha!
School ended at 12pm today. Had lunch with Ian, Suria, Kenneth, Kennard, Salam, Zhan Le, Lawrence, Liang Yong and Xin wei. Then Salam, Kenneth, Kennard and i discussed our chemistry project for about an hour and left.
Went home, bathed changed and met Thishalini at the Yio Chu Kang MRT. Some weird indian lady was talking to her and then it became us. We went for the ICS tea party. LOL! It was supposed to start at 6pm but it ended up starting at 730pm? Then we left around 815pm and met Logan in the library. He transferred dota into my laptop so i can play. THANK YOU! Haha...then we went back to see our friend Sivaranjini dance, grabbed some food and left. I didnt really like the tea party. Just didnt appeal to me luh...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
11:15 PM
Was researching for this uhmm communication skills project on conflicts...we have to act a 20 min play out. Okay well the point is...while researching, i stumbled across a lot of history and then i became aware that i absolutely love absolutely miss more into history and politics..yet im in a science course. And i keep asking myself why? Truth is, i bloody hell know all falls back to choice.
Met Edgar in school cause he was graduating...took a picture with him. Sighs it will be my turn in 3 years to come..
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
11:06 PM
Grrrr! EPC test today was practically a KILLERRRR! I failed it...miserably. Sighs...need to work harder..and then biomodelling...i dont know why i cant seem to do it anymore. I used to be able to..after class, Gael, Adeline, Hwee Theng and i rushed to the library to meet Teddy. Our tuition teacher. Cool right his name...Teddy. Haha anyways, we were at the second level of the North Wing and were trying to find for Teddy. I went to two different guys and were like...''Are you Teddy?'' Haahahahaaha! Well....we found him on the first level. Haha...
Ian with my stick and Aerzam ...

Aerzam with that ''WHHHHAAAAARRRRTTTT?" look. Haha!

Ian just being himself..haha

And then i rushed off for floorball. When i reached the court, i was like wheres everyone? Other sports CCAs were having matches against each other. But there was no floorballers...And then my captain Sya messaged me and was like sorry. Forgot to inform you on the change of venue. In a good way ofcourse. Haha...oh wells. Man Tech trial test on Friday.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
7:31 PM
Heys all!
Haha there were quite a number of funny incidents today. During EPC, this chinese guy who keeps smiling at me every Tuesday from outside the classroom smiled at me again. And i smiled back. Haha and then my teacher Mdm Poon was like ''Yes...why u smiling at that boy? You mother never teach you not to smile at boys ah?" Hahahahahaa realllyyy funny! And then my EPC partner Ian didnt know how to convert mA to A. So Mdm Poon asked me and i was like i dont know...and she said '' Aiyo..both of you equally blurr eh.'' Hahahahhahahahaha!
Next, I was walking in front of all my friends before entering the math class...i turned to E310, opened it and walked in. And then i went like OH SHIT! Hahaha I went into the wrong class. Haha...
Lastly, despite all these humorous events that happened today, we ofcourse faced some stress too. Like during the math exam and maths lecture and uhmm the thought of having EPC test tomorrow. However, Yi Xiu brought some joy and laughter to us at the end of the day. Oh by the way, our math lecturer ended class early. YAY! Anyways, Yi Xiu tried scaring the guys with one of her many acts. Hahaha...Okay its a little hard to explain what she did so ill forgo it. =)
Sighs....EPC test tomorrow..gotta study...
Monday, May 25, 2009
11:09 PM
Someone please tell me to study! Cant seem to concentrate...arghhh!
Oh by the way, today is Aerzam's birthday. So heres the shout out...HAPPY BIRTHDAY AERZAM!!!!! =D
12:55 AM
And who'd ever think poly life would be soo tough?
With the never ending homeworks and tests piling up...
With the inadequate amount of cash in my pockets...
With the lack of sleep...
And on top of it all...
Without being able to understand whats being thought in school! :S
Its 1am on the dot.
Im gonna do myself justice by getting as much sleep as i can..
(Pfft like thats gonna be enough..)
Friday, May 22, 2009
11:23 PM
Like i dont feel crappy enough. My chem teacher had to say that to me. And it felt like past was all coming back again. Dang! No this cant be happening... Im not gonna let this happen. Im gonna prove everyone wrong! Sighs...
By the way, the pain i acquired during floorball cause of the fall sort of spread.
And sighs...everyone doesnt seem to be alright now..i only hope for everyone to feel better soon...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
7:01 PM
Heys people!
Have been SHAGGED recently. The Student Union camp, CAMP GLUE, was AWESOMEEE! Really fun yet tiring as well. Made alot of friends....there were 10 people in my group. Me, Huay Fang, Ennerth, Khoon Ji, Daniel, Yo Tha, Hong Guoan( i think...sorry!), Giro, Justin and Galvin. The OGLs in charged of us were Nissa, Tiu and SS. =) Awesome bunch of people! Horny as well. Haha we named ourselves SEX BOMB! And our cheer was the chorus of sex Anyhoos....we were the first group to complete the amazing race and we were an
hour early! But we practically ran through the entire camp. I excused myself for a while to go for
floorball training on Saturday. So you can tell how shagged i am right now...haha. LACK OF SLEEP MAN!
Thats me(looking very bad) and YODA!
My group - SEX BOMB!
Monday was our Communication Skills presentation. I dont think i did well. At least to me. I hesitated alot while trying to recall the last minute script i wrote. Not acceptable. I felt really down...cause i didnt perform. But i didnt show it. Haha before i spoke, X
in Wei was like you want good luck sweet? Hahahahhahaah....

Today, i went for floorball training after school. But i left early cause i need to finish alot of almost due assignments...AHHHH! Back to the point....oh man! I almost fell over the barricade when i was trying to get to the court in a hurry cause i was a little late. And then during one of the drills, i tripped over Tiffany's stick and fell down! Bleahh...haha and im not angry..just a little embarrassed that more than 10 people were watching us play...hehe yeah..
Aights im off to go do my soon to be due-ed assignments. =)
Friday, May 15, 2009
5:00 PM
Went to school and was greeted warmly by none other than my classmates. =) Thanks guys...
Im feeling worse today though....sighs...
Aights im off to camp.
Will be back on Sunday. =)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
10:42 PM
Hello people!!! Super long since i blogged luh. And thats because i didnt like my skin...but guess what...i got it changed....credits goes to Yi Xiu and Adeline. Thanks girls! =)
Okay so poly started and its unexpectedly hectic. Im doing A maths, triple pure science and 3 other modules. The scary part is that ive never done A maths and triple pure science before. Thus, ill have to admit struggling. But then again, i have no regrets of dropping out of MI. I think its for the best. I know ill make it here...just have to work SUPER hard. Oh and i also think that it was way easier in MI than it is here. Oh wells....dont have much of a choice now do i? I love my friends alot! They rock...really...poly would be uber dull if i didnt have such crazy people around. And my classmates are really the BOMB! Haha a way, they motivate me to want to go to school. =)
Orientation was great too. Met alot of nice people. Including my classmates ofcourse. And on the second day, i was one of the 5 who were voted most outspoken. We ended up having to play blind musical chairs. Will upload the photos on sunday maybe?

Mhmmm all in all....schools awesome much! Just that you have to go through try outs or interviews for most of the for instance, i have to go through try outs for floorball and a camp for student union. It doesnt end there. After the student union camp, they will choose potential people and then they will have to go through a 3 month probabtion. Crazy aye? But yeah guess what? The camp is tomorrow till Sunday. And ive got floorball training on Saturday. So im gonna have to get excused for a while. The saddening part is tahat im suffering from gastric i think.
Didnt make it to school today. Obviously cause of gatric. Saw a doctor...actually i went to the polyclinic for the first time and man it wasnt really uhhh a conveniant experience. The doctor didnt tell me what exactly caused me to be sick and i had to wait for over an hour before i could see him. But this lady at the appointment counter said she likes my eyes and this malay guy working with the clinic flirted with me. WHOOOTS! He was definitely cute. Haha spent the rest of the day resting and watching twilight. =D
And thanks people for checking in on me. =) Im feeling better...=D