Thursday, October 30, 2008
5:56 PM
Yesterday was the last day of school. Hmm wasted my time in school once again. But i managed to take lotsa pictures. Okay its not enough though. 

Ummm had the Cambodia meeting after school. Met Ofelia after that. Went to Vivo City. Wanted to watch High School Musical 3 but we didnt get seats. So we ate at Superdog instead. And went window shopping after that.
Today, im super duper boreed. But yeah im going out with NC later. Gonna watch the coffin. And gonna eat at Long Johns. Yay my absolute fav fast food. Haha aights...will upload the pictures later.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
1:04 AM
27 OCTOBER 2008 - Deepavali. The festival of lights.Woke up at 7am. Dad droved me back to Yishun. Had breakfast with him at the coffee shop beside the old library.. Then went home. Slept for a while, woke up and dressed up. Met Cass at the Sembawang MRT and went to Rovena's house for diwali. Then met Jess and went to Shannaz place. Her dad drove us over to their friend, Satiya's house in Boon Lay for diwali. Then i went over to Nithiya's in the evening in AMK. Collected 20 bucks from her house. And came home. Im shagged. But on the whole, it was all okay luh. The food was nice. The people were nice and yeahh diwali this year was nice. Anyways, HAPPY DEEPAVALI!
26 OCTOBER 2008Went for mass with Cass, Shannon and Bingei. Whooo got new warden. A cute indian one. WHOOOO! After mass, went for lunch...- me, Cass, Shannon and Bingei. And then we headed back home. Left house around 4 plus and headed down to Plaza Singapura. Passed starhub something and went over to my dad's place. Stayed over night there and watched Vasantham's Deepavali Variety show with Vicky and Panja. My dad and Sherman went to bed early. I still ended up sleeping aroound 330am plus though. But WOAHH! The bed was awesomely comfy! 
25 OCTOBER 2008Met up with Cass and Darl in the evening at Changi Terminal 3. Bought Popeyes and went to Terminal 2. Sat on the floor and watched the planes take off as we ate. Niceee...Then i followed them to Pasir Ris cause they were going to watch High School Musical with Darl's cousins. Took 39 home. In the bus, some random indian guy in his 40s talked to me. Haha i bet i was too hot to resist huh? Hahahaha...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
3:55 PM
By far, this is the biggest failure in my life!
And yes, ill be embarking on a new journey..
I just feel so alone...i dont know if ive made the right decision.
So many regrets.
And words cant seem to substitute its place.
Why god?
Why me?
Why now?...why like this?
I want to reach my aim, my goal, my future.
I want to start a new life.
And leave the merciless past behind where it belongs.
Cant seem to let go...
Is it more of a dream or is it still reality.
So many many goals.
Can i achieve it all?
I hope soo..
I jolly well make it all happen!
And YOU!
You did this to me...
You made me sin...
You made me unsatisfied with myself.
I HATE you!
Im not going to let you stand in my way anymore.
You had your days..
Now its over..
Its time i take my toll,
And show you who and what i really am.
Nothing more than a competition you are to me..
Well read my lips:
I dont meet competition...
So be prepared to taste your own medicine
Because in time to come,
You are going to face the biggest set back you have by far experienced in your life!
12:17 AM
The Nanny Marathon!
12:02 AM
Aights this post is specially dedicated to my mum. Its two mintues past 12 o'clock/pm and its the 25 of October 2008. Its my mums birthday. HAPPY 46th BIRTHDY MUMMY! Yeah we go through a lot of shit and I AM a rebellious child but you are still my mum no matter what. Im trying to say something but i dont say it in real like and even in the cyber world, it feels weird. Just get the hint yeah?
Friday, October 24, 2008
11:54 PM
Heys all. Chose not to go to school yesterday. No point. Instead i followed Jess to the Yishun Polyclinic. My first time!!! I sooo love my bestie man!Hmm today....bad things and good things happened. The bad pointers arent soo important so ill skip it. Good things...1. Managed to cheer nithiya up. Yay! I made her laugh.2.Skipped 2 periods of Literature but spent them talking to Vincent.3. Realised im gonna miss a lot of people but that shows the great friendship bonds that has been created..4. Bumped into quite a number of the YTSS juniors who all still recognised me(THANK GOD!) and greeted me. Felt happy that im still being remember and liked. Not boasting ah.5. Had a good afternoon nap.6. I sort of know what im got to do next.The weather is cold now. And the smell of the air is bringing back memories of what i went through years ago. I went on a cruise holiday thingy with my dad and sis. Those were the fun times whereby i never felt alone and unloved. The point is, i feel like going on another cruise and i miss my dad a lot. =)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
12:06 AM
Linkin Park - In the end:(
It starts with one thing
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall:(
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme, to remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so (far)
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me (in the end)
You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know
This song tellys with me in particular. This is what i really am...a failure..a loser..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
10:25 PM
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! You always make me emo. I effing hate you! Am officially keeping my distance from you!Went for tamil lesson with the H1 students today. The tamil classroom door was spoilt. It couldnt be opened from the inside and only from the outside unless you have special skills like Nithiya. Haha Mr Sengu's reaction was funny. And Nithiya was being retarded(in a good way of course) by trying to show off her skills by opening the door from the inside.Went to BMTC(basic military training centre) with 08A4 today. Woahh it was very interesting. The food are catered, the weapons are cool and really high tech, the quality of the clothes and personal necessities have improved and the beds are really comfy! It looked really fun and i feel like joining the army! Haha. But Nithiya pointed something out that caught both our attentions - Its not what you leave behind, but what you can gain in the future. It applies to the two of us luh. Saw Russel from CJC. And i just found out today that i happen to know almost all of Thareni's good friends from St Andrews. Small world aye?Reached school at 6pm. Went for CIP meeting. Mr Andrew, the chairman of YMCA whos subsidising our fee for travelling to Cambodia came down to further enhance our knowledge of what we are gonna emabark on. Apart from building roads, we are gonna visit temples(one of which Angelina Jolie had a scence shot in Tomb Raider), we are gonna cook rice for the children and we are going to the dumpster's site to help them out. Sounds interesting and tough. But fun at the same time. I cant believe im saying this but yeahh i cant wait to play with the children. =D The meeting ended at uhh 730pm plus...Wasnt really feeling alright. So i took my time to go home. Was msging Hafiz and NC on the way home. Reached home around 910pm. Yes! That was how long i took to go home. And yeahh have been on the laptop since. Im not going to school tomorrow. So are Nithiya and Renu. No point already luh. BAD NEWS....Really am going to jumpdown somewhere. Im not living up to who i really am...=(
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
8:59 PM
This is officially the end...
and its all my fault.
Goodbye people... this IS the end.
Im gonna go
write a suicide note
and jump down a block
by this week.
see ya..
Monday, October 20, 2008
10:54 PM
This really applies to me in a way...Beyonce - if i were a boy
If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I’d roll outta bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it.
Cause they’d stick up for me.
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man.
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell evveryone it’s broken
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home (to come home)
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man.
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted (wanted)
Cause he’s taken you for granted (granted)
And everything you had got destroyed
It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say its just a mistake
Think I’d forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong
You know when you act like that
I don't think you realize how it makes me look
or feel
Act like what
Why are you so jealous
It's not like i'm sleeping with the guy
I said yo
Why are you so jealous
It aint like I'm sleepin with the girl
But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand
Yeah you don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everything you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy
10:46 PM
Did i mention? -> TODAY IS JUDGEMENT DAY!...
12:41 PM
19 0ctober 2008 - 11 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP ANNIVERSARY WITH JESSWent for mass with Cass...then went over her place so that she can grab her books. FELT OVERWHELMED OVER THERE. Haha thank you by the way! Umm went over to Burger King..ate and Cass studied for a while. Then met Jess. Cass went to Woodlands to study and Jess and i went to Novena. Yes...i went for 2 masses yesterday. But before going for mass, Jess and i ate doughnuts. Yesterday was our 11 years of friendship anniversary. Haha. Then we went to our ''Dummu park'' and Dummu-ed. It was her first time. And yeahhh we took loads of pictures before going home in the night. At night, haha i was quite touched. 4 people called me - Saranya, Govan, NC and HIM! =D Yay!!!Oh and yeahh thanks Suba and Saranya for giving me the least i done feel soo i dont know..lost? Yeahh....thanks again! =D
Saturday, October 18, 2008
4:57 PM
Im scared...=(
Friday, October 17, 2008
7:58 PM
During morning assembly today, Mr Chan put the mic to my mouth and told me to say responsibility when i had no clue what the answer to his question was which was whats one of the schools core values? So when i said responsibility, everyone laughed. LOL!Didnt have any lessons in school today. I managed to pass my gp essay though. We played taboo during lit and sharades during HT period. Umm yeahh...took the train with Hidaya after school but dropped off at Outram Park and headed down to Vivo City to meet my dad for lunch.During lunch, he told me how he whacked this guy for messing with his friend's sister's life who is currently in the hospital now. OMG! After lunch we walked around. He gave me the usual talk about life but it does motivate me. Then we went grocery shopping. He spent like uhh $66.51. Crazzzzyyyy! Yeps...sighs..i dont want to let him down...And and...i cant stop worrying...=(
Thursday, October 16, 2008
10:53 PM
Im dreading the fact that ive got to get my ass to school tomorrow but im hoping that my dad will meet me for lunch.
10:15 PM
I didnt go to school today. And today is the FIRST time i wanted to stay home and not go out. WOW...but yeah i didnt miss anything in school. There arent gonna be any lessons till next week. Used the time to finish up The one you really want by Jill Mansell. Im gonna start on Dream Laboratory by Clare Brown tonight. Hmm talking to Miz and Shameer about it cheered me up a lil. Sometimes when you are at one of your worst, it feels good to know that your friends do care for you and are there for you still. =)
1:28 AM
Im having trouble with sleeping..cant seem to sleep much anymore. But ill still end up feeling tired.
My just keeps coming back to me. I used to be this happy go lucky girl. Always cheerful and always having that smile on my face. Im not who i am anymore. Yes theres still a smile on my face sometimes. But..i dont feel it anymore. Its like an empty smile with nothing to share. Someone told me once....ive been given the fruit of joy by god. But whats happening to it now. Am i being punished for my sin? I remember when i was primary six, Angela once told me how she likes seeing me because even in the morning, ill smile and greet everyone when everyones not really awake yet. Someone else told me that my smile brightens ones day. Even if that person is having a bad day, seeing me smile and simply say hello brightens their day. So whats wrong with me now? Why the sudden change...teacher pam told me last year during the chalet that she felt as though my smile has been fading since June last year. Truth did. And i miss my smile. Im like loosing myself and i really dont know who i am anymore.
If i dont get promoted, i dont know what im going to do with my life. Everything has been going well and smooth up till i became secondary 2. Since the year 2005, ive been cursed and my life has been stained with unpleasant memories to live with. The thing about me a perfectionist. And i really dont know how im going to go through the rest of my life without perfect grades and pleasant memories. It feels like my life has been scared soo going through depression. Really...i am. Ive become one of those emo kids. My life used to be filled with colours. Oh...what am i supposed to do to colour my life get my smile figure out who i am...and to quit emoing unless necessary?
God...pleaseee read this....i seek your help. I want to become a better person. I know my life is quite screwed up at the moment but im sure if i get through all this...i can make pleasant memories. Give me another chance...please..and guide me through all this difficulties. I feel so alone these days. I dont know whats happened to everyone. Even HE has changed. =( I need an angel to physically be there for me. HE used to be my angel. But he turned out to be an angel in disguise. Hes really a devil...i made a mistake. Should have never gotten involved.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
11:52 PM
What do you do when you feel lost and insecure....when you feel all alone and when you dont know what to do with your life? Sighs....
Today a friend of mine was asked to leave the school. This scared a lot of us. I went home today and went into my afternoon slumber. When i woke up....i asked myself...was it all just a dream? Cause i really really hoped it wasnt. Okay i cant blog gonna cry...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
11:36 PM
lonely nights with absolutely nothing to do....sighs
8:05 PM
I wasted my time in school today. Half the cohord had to do the stupid glass painting crap while the other half went bowling. Guess where i ended up? Yeahhh....the glass painting crap. I finished everything by 1030am and left school. But for some reason, I felt guilty and went back into school. Uhuh...stupid i know.. And yeahh ended up going home only around uhhh 1220pm. But the bright side the bus 804...he sat beside me!!! Whooots. Its not the he that i like. I shall label him umm Mr cute smile. Yeahh...Haha okay ive got to remember that. I would have mentioned his name but then we will get into trouble for certain reasons...Came home, slept and read my book. I feel oh so miserable at home! Lord help me pleasee. I swear i didnt do anything bad. In fact okay fine...i do do bad things. But i do them in the day and i dont get into trouble. Lucky me. But when i go out in the night and do not do any bad stuffs AT ALL....i get into trouble...STUPID WORLD....STUPID FAMILY....STUPID MUM! Arghhh...Im already planning how to get away from my mum once im old enough to or when im married. See...thats how much i despise you!
Monday, October 13, 2008
5:46 PM
Booohooo...schools starting tomorrow..=(Arghhh whatever it is...ive got to face it. Anyways....Indra said we will only know our results probably around next week? counting on your words ah..hahaHmm lazy lazy lazy. This having holidays when your friends have to study for the exams. Cause then you dont have anything to do and anyone to hang around with. Aftermath of such a tragedy = i slept through the holidays. BLEAHHHH!Bumped into Jai just now. So nice seeing him again. I slept for about 5 hours toDAY. Just got up. Am gonna read my book, clean up my room and umm watch more ugly better online? Haha yeahh man! Its gonna be an ugly betty marathon. So gear up and be prepared...ugly betty's on her way! =D And yes...this is exactly how bored i am..=)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
11:55 PM
Okay...truth is..ive not been having any good days at all since my blog to know whats sooo ''significant'' about Tuesday.Woke up at like uhhh 130pm today. WOAHHHHH! Haha yeahh i know..Uhhh went over to Jacinta's house around 5pm...we went out to Nee Soon CC for this fruit fair which her dad was involved in. Hahahaha soo cutteee! She bought 3 loafs of bread and we went back home. I mean her house. Technically i left the place around 1030pm. My fucking paranoid mum...arghhh! Well back to the happy thoughts...yeahhhh man! I spent 5 and a half hours with Jess today. Yippee!And now...the negative side..time to worry..schools reopening SOON and that means....the release of the results...arghhh...i think im gonna keep it confidential and not post it on the blog either. Even if i do make it...i am still considering transferring to a poly. Soo yeahh...wish me luck...i might just decide to leave my life..and yes i am serious...!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
1:59 PM
Yay...meeting Jafar later...going to changi aloha for the NUS Yatra chalet..will take as many pics as possible..hehe..=)
So yeahh i met Divya at the Yishun MRT station first. Went to AMK to meet uhhh this girl from YJC. Cant remember her name but Div wanted to collect the IC for clubbing. Then we met Jafar at Tampines interchange. Went to the Chalet around 8.40pm? Ate...the food was good! And uhhh yeahh basically slacked around for a while...and then we started the dance floor. The dance floor was AWESOMEEE! Hahaha..we danced and danced. Well it took some time for everyone to get on the dance floor but it happened. And we celebrated Saraniya's 19th birthday with a strawberry cheesecake. Yummy..anyways...HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY SARANIYA!!!! And then we called for a cab....Saraniya, Sivaganga, Div and i took it. Dropped Div at Raffles, Siva and Saraniya at CCK and i took the cab straight back to my house. Yeapsss just reached home..
Ohhhhh.....on Tuesday i messaged him...Yes yes...HIM! But he didnt reply. So i thought he was like annoyed with my sudden almost everyday messages. However.....he messaged me just now when i was at the chalet and apologised for not replying cause his prepaid had no more money. Hahaha...YAY! gonna continue reading my book. =)
12:21 AM
Right this post is meant for the 10 of October 2008, FridayYippie yippie dooo!Im a happy happy girl! =DOkay my friend woke me up 11pm?Haha argued via sms for an hour and finally dragged myself out of bed to meet him around 12.20pm. Spent time with him till 1.05pm. Then went back home. Read, ate lunch and slept. Boy! These days...i just cant seem to get enough sleep. Woke up and went to my dad's new house at 510pm. This priest from India came. Vicky, Sherman, my dad, my sis, my grandfather, Reshmi, Akash, Uma aunty and Nithi uncle all came. Blessed the house and slacked around. really starting to like kids. Reshmi is the cutest thing. Crap! See i want a baby too. Hahaha. Ummm yeahh came home around 1020pm. And was really hungry so i went down to Mac.Right...heres the thing...=D I saw Mr deep! OMG! He was with his family excluding his dad. We smiled at each other...twice!!! Once when we first saw each other and the second time when i was leaving. WHOOOHOOO! That really made me im beginning to wonder if i still have feelings for him. Then could be i still have feeling for the Mr Deep i knew and not the new one...And yeah...i had a dream about well...HIM. He didnt reply my last message. And yes i have to admit that im upset about it. But yeahh ummm i dreamt that he messaged me and apologised for not replying because his handphone was spoilt or something and i remember that in my sleep...i was feeling uber happy! more thing...everywhere i go...i keep picturing us together in the future. Yeahh i know...stupid aye? I shouldnt be doing that. Sighs...alright fine!! Ill TRY to stop...=)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
11:52 PM
Hokayyyy i practically slacked the entire day...i dont care...ive got to go out tomorrow!I mean look at me... i slacked till i slept 3 times today. OMG!!! Plus...ive got no one to talk to at home...shit! I think these 2 days have been one of the quietest days of my life. Bleahhhhh...Okay...ive been thinking. I dont i or do i not like you?I definitely do think about you everyday. At least once...and i dont want to but i do. could be cause i admire lotsa things about you...or i just like you?Shit..HOW? HOW?I listened to Azri and took his advice..i put our picture up on friendster and MR L viewed me back. WHOOHOO! But what if its just a coincidence..and i dont want to like him and have hopes that we are indeed soulmates and in the end....nothing happens and we loose contact and all..Cause one thing for sure is that ill forever remember you because of what happened on the 11 of June....
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
11:23 PM
By the way...thank you Vincent, Jafar and Hannan for cheering me up today...=D
And thank you Vincent for the uber long talk...haha the normal one i mean...
10:26 PM
Its true...i do want us to work out...but...i dont want us to work out now...i want us to work out in the future till marriage. I just hope our friendship doesnt escalate. And if what 4 of my friends feel is true...that we are soulmates and are meant to be happy...what the future holds is a mystery to unveil...
2:04 PM
3:13 AM
Okay....went to NC's place...technically yesterday. Haha we watched Army Daze and ordered canadian pizza. His house was really NICE! Ummm yeahh then we went back to Yishun and met up with Azri, George and Cass. We took photos. Haha Azri cam-whored with my lap top. George treated us to Eagle Eye...Yes...i watched it again. Hahaha. But still...THANK YOU GEORGE!!! Azri and NC treated us to food. I had nachos with NC and my own Cookie dough ice cream. After the movie, Cass and George went home. Azri, NC and i went to the park near Northpoint and talked about love life and all. Haha..then we went to Mac and ate and talked and talked and yeahhh...Then Azri went home and NC and i were slacking under my block. And my sis called and when i got home...i got busted. She started shouting at me cause it was 3am etc. She said shes gonna tell my parents about this tomorrow. SHIT!
Ohwells....things to worry about:
1. My parents screwing me tomorrow.
2. Uhhh RESULTS!!!
3. Not being able to go to the Yatra chalet. 4. What if they take my handphone and lap top away.
5. Uhh him... 6. OH GOD...PLEASE HELP ME! Its not as though i was taking drugs and having sex right?!?!?!?
if i really do get screwed tomorrow and if it gets worse cause of my commiting suicide. Ive got way too much ego to handle this kind of shit. So yeahh be prepared to loose me. And yes im serious. Ill be sad though that i never got the chance to get married and wear a white gown and start a new family and life on my own and migrate to Australia and get my own dog and car and my built in closet and loose soo much weight and be the next best athlete and the next best dancer and form my own band and still be around with my friends and make it to NUS or any University and win his heart. Sighs...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
1:32 PM
Just had to make this note...*11 OF JUNE 2008* - A DAY TO REMEMBER...I MET MR errrr L? Haha...
12:59 PM
4th of September 2008(Saturday)I met Jess under her block at 3pm. Her uncle drove us, her mum and a few other family members to East Coast Beach in a van. Haha it was Jess's 3 other relatives birthday and hers the next day. So it was like a party. Stayed there till 1130pm. I had lots of fun...we played games, rode the bicycle, ate cooked food, had bbq food uhhh drank, danced and OH YES....before i forget...4 of her cousins...all young ones...grabbed hold of my legs and hands each and threw me into the sea. ARGHH! Haha but it was fun...Reached Yishun around uhhh 12.15pm.5th of September 2008(Sunday)
Ummm went to church with Cass and Shannon...then met her again around 4 plus and went to Changi terminal 3...studied there and ate at POPEYES! Haha...Then we went over to!
6th of September 2008(Monday)Last paper - LITERATURE..okay luh...can do. Hopefully i really did it..Went home after the paper....met Jess around 145pm. Went to Cathay cineleisure and watched Eagle Eye...OMG! Its a must watch if you LOVE action pack movies...Hmmm then we went shopping...for Jess luh..i didnt see anything i liked that day. Ate at Long Johns for dinner and went home... 

TODAY, 8th of September(Tuesday)Woke up at 12pm. Going over to NC's place later...MOVIE MARATHON!!! Haha...
Friday, October 3, 2008
10:19 PM
Saw Asha Preety in the opposite train this morning when i got off the Bukit Batok MRT...So nice to see her again!...=)
Hmmm maths paper was sucky....history was do-able. But i swear i wanted to cry mins before entering the hall for the history paper...Arjuna, Nithiya and Hidaya witnessed it. I was sooo scared to death!
After the paper, met Bingei at the Yishun OCBC and passed him back his GC that i borrowed... THANKS BINGEI! I also bumped into Donovan and Azri...haha...
Then i met up with Jacinta and we bought LJS and ate under some random block that we always go to and hang out. Talked and caught up on stuff...going out with her tomorrow...cant wait! Haha...P/S : Alvin...i dont favour sweet talkers...sorry...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
10:38 PM
Tmr is maths and history. Im not ready for it...i dont wanna take the exams tomorrow... I feel sooo alone.... and sooo upset..this is the third time i stopped studying to cry...=(
Sometimes i feel like letting go of my life...i keep reflecting back and i dont know...i dont feel good. I dont want to continue my life with all those memories...all those bad matter how much i try...i cant seem to move on..and no matter how much i do move on...they are always there to haunt matter what....sighs...
By the way...thanks guys for motivating me...i just hope i dont let you guys down...Its been two hours since i started crying...i cant seem to stop....
3:19 PM
Oh god please please help me sit down and much to study...=(And freakkkkk. Tomorrow is history and maths...i still dont have a graphic calculator...bingei...please save me!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
5:15 PM
Why? Why now? I hate the devil...absolutely HATE the devil...the devil is doing all this to me..and now of all times...Vicky drank milk from china and fell sick so she took medicine and was allergic to it. Shes now in the hospital...Tan Tock Seng cause theres water in her lungs. exams - maths and history is on Friday and i have to study..if i dont make it, ill get kicked out of school. This morning my dad called and asked me to follow my sis there. But like...i need to study and told him that he was like okay go and study then. BUT,.,.he was upset and angry. I could tell. And my friends...sometimes i think that they dont understand what im doing too. I cant always be with them although i want to...i really really do. But i have to study and pass my A levels and go to a University and make my dream come true...=(My sis went over to my grandparents today to bring them to the hospital. My grandmother said my dog..Samy is gonna pass away very soon. My exams are this Friday and im not ready...not one bit..And i wanted to go to the airport straight after my exam this Friday and have my own quiet time relaxing...but....i have to bring my mum. And i dont want to cause its uber tiring for me having to travel here and there and also...i just dont like being with her..Its always my family thats putting all that extra pressure on me...=( And i really cant take it..And HE is always taking my loved ones away from me...pradeep, my dad, Samy...=(