Monday, September 29, 2008
8:08 PM
woahhhh such a relief...mob is finally over....left with lit, maths, history and then lit time to blog ...arghhh must study study study...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
9:22 AM
Im freaking out! Tomorrow is my MOB paper and ive still got 4 chapters to go....arghh...kk im gonna go study now...see ya...
Monday, September 22, 2008
9:45 PM
Today was the start of the Promotional Examinations...Im done with GP and Tamil. Left with MOB, History, Literature and Maths.. OMG...Ive gotta MUG MUG MUG! But im super tired. And my mum wont fucking shut up right now. FUCK! I feel like throwing my laptop at her!! :@ Anyways..i keep bumbping into Miz these past few days. =)Oh by the way, an hour before the GP paper today, Jafar, Vincent, Jerold and i were playing with paper frogs. =D
Im gonna get to bed very soon and wake up early in the morning to study. I have to. Stupid school....stupid work..=(
Sunday, September 21, 2008
6:43 PM
Okay it the parish feast day of our lady star of the sea today.
Hmm okay luh...very much like the same as it was last year..
Just that the live band was WOW...not to mention the agape hip hoppers..
Hats off to you all man! 

Now back to reality.
Ive got GP and Tamil tomorrow...
Hope i make it...
The promos are gonna start come tomorrow.
Gotta mug and pull my way through somehow
So scared..arghh
Not to mention stressed!
6:39 PM

Monday, September 8, 2008
11:10 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
11:55 PM
Really luh....i miss my friends...theres just soo much unhappiness in much many conflicts....but when i do talk to my feels soooo they are who im meant to be with. Abit anti social i know. But really..they are the people who can cheer me up even when im at my lowest. I need people like that in my school. But...guess what? There are any....tough luck! Oh well, my friend and i agreed to start things over and see how things goes. I do have a few good friends in school. I think we just need to let time allow us to be closer. For stressed over the promo gonna try to make it. Cause as of now....its only 22 more months of school till i do my A levels....JIAYOU! =D By the way....Jess, Shannaz and i went for my classmates sisters 21st birthday party yesterday which is the 6th of September..
Special shout out to the people i ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!! People i cant do without : Jacinta, Cass, Bren, Shannon, Bingei, NC, Joel and Jin Rong. :D
Thursday, September 4, 2008
8:05 PM
I keep asking myself if theres something that ive done wrong...But i cant seem to find any answers...And theres just sooo many problems now...I dont know what to want to end it all now...And sometimes i do ask myself if i was ever meant to live this long...Im well aware of how selfish im being here...But i cant take it already...I dont know what to think...How come this kind of thing always happens to me..I dont mind once or twice for me to learn something out of...But why a zillion times?Did i not learn anything the first few times?I need answeres quick...Or these next few days might be my last...
8:02 PM
YATRA WAS AMAZING! =DI met sooo many wonderful people who are in a way motivations for me to get into a Uni.
We performed to an almost full house...Will update on this later..