Thursday, July 31, 2008
11:25 PM
The day to our dance competition is nearing! It has definetely been an exhausting week with all the undeniable body crams...including my butt. Haha...but it is all coming to an end. Only 2 more days before our dance. We will do it!
Today, we skipped a few lessons, kenna detention(not me though) and i got a shock. When i entered SP's convention auditorium, i saw Pradeep and Keeran there. It turned out that they are representing their school in the same competition. So im going to go against him. OMG. We practiced and practiced in SP till it was 9pm. Then we left school. Im officially SHAGGED! Our technical run on stage was atrocious though. Nevermind. We will pick ourselves up!
Yesterday, only Towfiq and i went to school. Everyone else took MC. After school, Towfiq and i had lunch n rushed down to Chua Chu Kang to meet up with the rest including Jay, Saranya and Rathi. We choreographed 85% of the steps yesterday and had a very tiring practice with Jay. At first we were all laughing. Later on, he came down hard on us. Which was good cause it definitely helped us to get the steps right. But i have to admit. I really felt like crying. We were all absolutely tired yet we still had to stay strong and dance.
On Tuesday, we went down to SP for their dry run. It happened to be 2 peoples birthday. So we had cake after a whole round of rehearsal...
Yeah thats about it. Im gonna hydrate myself now..see ya!
Monday, July 28, 2008
8:02 PM
Heys marked the beginning of the week. The HECTIC week. I have to admit...i was a bit moody in the morning. But i turned out alright. Yessaaaaa! My group finally finished our presentation for gp. Wahhlauu! Govan walked passed our class while i was about to present and Nishaa was like...''eh! your lucky charm!'' Hehehe... Finally..i feel so relieved. And i think out group did preety well. Cause someone told us that our teacher gave us high marks for the criterias. Yay. After GP, was Management. Once again, my group finished our presentation for management too. It wasnt really a good one. least we finished it. =) School ended around 325pm today. We didnt have extra literature lesson today cause Ms Arfah wasnt feeling well. So we didnt have to stay in school till 630pm. After school, I was playing around with Logeshh. And then i went over to Azima and Nishaa and Nithiya and all. And for no reason, Mr Sengu(my co home tutor), laughed and hit my shoulder. Haha that was hilarious! He said he could do it cause Logeshh did. Haha he ahhh! After which, Azima, Nishaa, Nithiya, Masuri and i went to KFC to eat. And then Azima, Nishaa, Nithiya and i took the train while Masuri went back to school for im not sure what. Nithiya and i accompanied Nishaa to Causeway Point while Azima went back home. Nishaa wanted to check out some lap top thingy. Today is my lucky day. I saw roughly about 3-4 cute indian guys. Whooots! =)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
10:30 PM
From tomorrow till Sunday, its gonna be HECTIC!Monday - school till 630pm. Then must go down to NUS for the drama thingy.Tuesday - school till 405pm.(or signing out) Then dance. And then NUS.Wednesday - Skipping school.Thurday - School till 525pm. Then dance.Friday - School till 1245pm. Then dance.Saturday - MI Mart 9am - 9pm at Plaza Singapura.Sunday - Actual dance performance in the evening at Singapore Polytechnic.Cries away...
7:14 PM
I want to go to NUS.And i want to learn to speak tamil!
7:00 PM
I didnt go to church today. Instead i woke up around 11.30am. Then met Humairah and Nishaa and went to Siti's sisters wedding. I wore a green kebaya. And then i went over to Jacintas place and talked to her. We had a lot to catch up on. Now im at home watchin dhool. My dreams are crushed. I wanted to take part in dhool. Thanks ah...people from BTS. Thanks for ruining my dream. But watch out. I WILL take part in dhool. Just wait. It may not be this year...but you WILL see me on tv. This is a promise.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
10:59 PM
Life is just sooo unfair...
I have no privacy. And everything i try to do always fails. How come this always happens to me? Why me? WHY? How come it works for other people and not me? Where did i go wrong?
Ughh! You have no idea how pissed im feeling right now.
And may think theres love between us. But theres none. Its like what she always says....her life is her life is mine. She only loves sherman. Shes always jealous of me! Theres so much competition among us all. =(
My life is a lie. I think im going to start smoking again...
Friday, July 25, 2008
11:51 PM
24 July 2008
I didnt go to school cause i couldnt finish my homework in time.25 July 2008 - Parent teacher day
My mum and i went to school early in the morning. We cabbed there but were too early. So we went to the marker near my school and ate. I had prata while she had thosai. Then we went back to school to see Ms Hong and Mr Sengu. I thought i will get all U grades. Instead, i managed to pass my H2 history, tamil and General Paper. I got an S for everything else. And the feedback given was quite good. Yay.
After which, i sent my mum back to the bukit batok MRT and met Hannan on the way back to school. We ate at the cafe and then i went to meet Jafar. Jafar and i then met Mdm Shamala for the dance costumes. And we waited for the rest to turn up. Vicknesh didnt turn up as usual. We took a group photo and did abit more of the practice for the dance. And then Towfiq, Jafar and i went to Singapore Polytechnic to pass them our group photo and our music piece. Met Humairah there. We then spent time at the Singapore poly's Mac and talked about the most unexpected things. 
Then we went to NUS and met Dhivya there for her NUS drama. I ended up becoming the assistant stage manager for the upcoming play. WOAHHH! And we had to make last minute changes to our dance. We are cutting out the last part. And shortening the whole thing. We are left with one more week. And everyone of us are all STRESSED UP! Sighs...Next week is gonna be HECTIC!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
10:14 PM
Heys all. Okay im shagged. Ive not been sleeping well and enough lately. Ive got very very bad eye bags. Ive not been attending floorball regularly. I need to get my things straightened up and organised first. So many undone and untouched assignments. O.M.G! And then theres still dance. Not that its a burden or i dont like it. I LOVE IT! Dancing is like my passion. Its just that must time manage luh. Its about 9 weeks left to the promos. Must work hard already. Argh. Cant make the same mistake i did the last time.
Nothing much happened today. Mr Lee(SEA history teacher) just glared at me cause i asked him for another worksheet cause i THOUGHT i lost my paper. If you are Mr Lee's student, you will know why him glaring at me is funny. Anyways, Nithiya took my paper by accident. But its alright. I didnt loose out in any way. Umm then after tamil lesson in the library as usual, Loges had to say this : " You looked nice when you wore the sari that day. You looked taller. But too bad. Its only for that day." Hahaha! Wahhhh damn mean! But we were just playing around so its okay. Haha..
Mmmmm....some Australian people called the marmalades or something came down to our school to play a music piece during out home tutor period. It was okay luh. Just not really my thing. It was heading towards the jazz kind of music. I generally prefer something thats more fast pace.
Anyways, im uber tired. I wanna go sleep and wake up around 4am to do maths. Thats like 5 hours of sleep. Sighs. School is gonna be a long day tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
9:53 PM
22 July 2008 Not a very interesting day. Nithiya didnt come to school. PE was fun though. Everyone was practically sleepy and i had dance practice after school.21 July 2008 - RACIAL HARMONY DAY!Monday was a colourful day indeed! =D Not many people but there were people who still came in the traditional costumes. I wore a sari! Hmm nothing interesting happened though. After school, Azima, Nithiya, Nishaa and i went to BK. I was hungry. Haha....Hmmm we took lotsa pictures. 
Azima and i

Brian, me and Qais

Nishaa and i

Floorballers! - me, Nadia, Divya and Banu

Floorballers! - me and Jeremy

Renu and i

Brian, Qais, me and Nithiya

Hannan and i

Nithiya and i


Govan and i

20 July 2008
Went for mass with Greg, Tang and Shannon in the morning. Then followed my mum to Jackie's(cousin) house thingy. Met Brian, Monica and Evelyn there too. They are my cousins. Then we went to Sakthies's ( primary school friend) house because we didnt go for his elder sister's(Vickneswari) 21st Birthday.
19 July 2008
Went out with Nishaa to Renu's house so that Nishaa can choose which indian suits she wanted to bring back home to try. Then we met Nithiya in Yishun and went over to Nishaa's house to try on the Kebaya for Racial Harmony Day. I borrowed her green one. Will be wearing it on the 27th of this month. Umm then i went to meet Thiru and Shamini at the Yishun MRT Station. We went down to Singapore Poly to watch the Dance Arena. Agni Reloaded won first place. Killerbeez won second though i thought that they deserved to win first and some unknown group won thre third. Oh wells...i reached home around 1.20am plus. = TIRED!
Friday, July 18, 2008
10:49 PM

There was drama in school today.
A certain someone broke down and threw a tantrum IN PUBLIC just because things werent going his way. And it was my fault??? OH!!! Couldnt YOU have opened your bloody effing mouth and confronted me if you had doubts? I feel like we were working with a CHILD! I mean common luh! You are bloody hell one of the oldest in our group and you are still acting soooo immature??? Puh-leaseeee!! Eh! A level standard already you know? I dont know about the rest, but i didnt buy your sorry just now. It just felt sooo unsincere. And just because you managed to fool a lot others with your tears and pleading doesnt mean im going to soften up and sympathise you. Oh by the way, WELL DONE! Well done on fooling the rest. It just shows what a great actor you are. Thank god i joined floorball!!! Yes i do have something against you but that doesnt mean that i will be biased against you. Im the type who puts issues as such aside and WILL work with you if i have to because we are a team. Die die in the future, i will NEVER decide to join a group with you in it. Ive learnt my lesson already. You are just stubborn, immatured, rude, selfish, self-centered, ignorant and incredibly PETTY! Go away!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
9:08 PM
Im feeling STRESSED UP!
At the moment, ive got to concentrate on my studies, dance, tamil drama and floorball.
Sighs, my thighs hurt today.
Must be because of yesterdays run.
And i still need to complete my maths assignment.
Its overdue...shit!
But anyways, thanks Govan and Azima for helping me with it just now.
Lesser than 9 weeks left before the promos....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
7:49 PM
Today school was alright. I reached the Bukit Batok MRT station freaking early luh! 715am. Wahhh! Kenna headache this morning but it was okay before assembly started. Mhmmmm...Failed maths too. And since i missed out on two maths lesson last week cause i didnt go to school, i got to buck up a lot! A lot to catch up on. Mrs Wong didnt come for Literature today. So i spent the entire lesson crapping with Nithiya. Then came management. Mdm Isliana is actually nice. Just firm. She cares a lot luh. And she gave us a wake up call today. Brought back memories of last year when my mum, Mr Teo(Form Teacher) and i had to go see Mr Tan(principal) cause i did uber badly for the Mid years. Sighs. GOT TO BUCK UP!
Had afternoon PE today. To tell you the truth, i was really dreading the fact that there was PE cause ive not trained myself physically since the holidays started. And i was afraid of loosing my stamina etc. But guess what? I didnt give up. I still ran 6 rounds around the track today. Non stop. Yayness! Bleah im still fit luh. Good good. =)
Had to skip Floorball today. Wahlau! There was a match eh...and i couldnt go cause i had way too many assignments to email to my teachers by tonight and by tomorrow. Ugh!
Nobody ever said that it was gonna be easy.
Guess what?
Ive built a wall around YOU,
Shielded myself away from YOU,
Armed myself with weapons,
Aint gonna get influence by YOU again.
No way hosae!
I aint gonna fall into YOUR trap again,
I aint gonna plunge into YOUR darkness,
Cause im a hundred times stronger than i initially was.
So pack up and walk away.
YOUR presence is not needed.
( YOU and YOUR = laziness and failures)
P.S. - I STILL love you. =)
Monday, July 14, 2008
7:54 PM
I got back my MYE results today.
OMG luh!
All also failed.
Even GP eh!
Wahhh lauuu...
I really was on the verge of crying when i got back my marks.
But i didnt...
I held back my tears...
Last year, even if i did this badly, my attitude would have been like heck care luh!
But now, i dont know why, it really matters to me.
Wahhh heart pain seh.
I know i didnt study much and it was all very last minute.
But...i never expected it to be this bad leh.
I cannot give up now.
Not like this..
I am going to work very very very hard from now on.
Have to do my best.
After school, i had lunch with Nishaa, Azima and Renuka.
Then Nishaa and i went to collect our testimonial..
7:09 PM
11 of July 2008My sis and i went to stay over at my dads in the evening around 9pm plus.
12 of July 2008
We(My dad, my sis, Vicky, Sherman and i) woke up around 5.30am. Freshened up and got dressed. Then we drove down to the Woodlands check point but it was effing crowded. So we had breakfast...somewhere in woodlands and then we drove down to the tuas checkpoint instead. It was faster but more expensive. Then...woahhhh the road trip was uber long! 2 and a 1/2 hours to get to Melacca!!! Bleahh...
We checked into our hotel(Bay View) around 2plus. Hahaha! Our hotel view was facing the cemetry. OMG! And after leaving our bags in the hotel, we took a taxi to this portugese place to have portugese food for lunch. After that, we walked out to the main road. On the way my dad and i bought durians from this man who was selling it outside his house. And when we reached the main road, my dad crossed over to buy goreng pisang. After which, we took a bus to this shopping centre. Cant remember the name though. We bought some kropos there. And then we took a taxi to another shopping centre. When we got down, the taxi man drove off with our kropo cause we left it in the boot. WALAU! My dad was upset cause the goreng pisang was in the boot too. HAHAHA. Woahhh! Shopping there was like paradise! A lot of nice clothes and they were cheap too! I didnt buy anything thought. Couldnt really shop with Sherman. Hmm then we walked all the way back to our hotel. On the way, we stopped at this few shops and bought kropos. When we got back to the hotel, we all took turns to take a shower and rested. We headed out around 9pm plus again. We went to Jonker Street. Its like a permanent pasar malam. We ate chendol there. Wahh the shop was uber coka cola antic! The man has been collecting all the various types of coka cola bottles and cans since more than 30 or 40 years ago! And the chendol was good! I noticed...that the people there can afford to just take their time and do things. Theres like no need to hurry at all as compared to Singapore. In Singapore, you always always always have got something to do. Whereas in Melacca, you can just sit down for hours and not have the need to worry. Their pace of life is really slow and easy. Very very relaxed.
Then we walked through t
he jonker street. They had a lot of neat stuff - cool face masks, nice bags, interesting key chains, the frog like thingy that can make the frog sound etc. We then went into this shop and had dinner. I had their chicken rice. It was okay luh. My dads nonya laksa was way better. After which, we exited the Jonker Street and went back to the hotel. By then it was already 11.30pm plus. When we got back, we all slept. There wasnt enough space on the be
d. So i slept on the couch and my sis made herself comfortable on the floor. Haha.
13 of July 2008
We woke up around 8am plus. Okay i woke up cause my dad jumped on me. Haha. Then we freshened up. While my sis was taking a shower, i got back to the bed and layed down. And then my dad and i wrestled with each other. Haha. Errr then we went to this indian restaurant to have breakfast. Their prata there is damn nice luh! It tastes so different from the Singapore one.
Mmmm then we took the car and went to the first shopping centre we went to to buy back the kropos we lost in the taxi. Then we shared a waffle at A&W. Yummy! After which, we drove back to Singapore. On the way, we stopped for a break from all the driving and ate again. LOL. I tried their ramly burger. I dont see what the fuss is about. Both the ramly burgers, Singapores and Malaysias tasted the same. Hmm and then it took us another 2 and a 1/2 hours to reach Singapore. Woahh the trip was seriously long. When we got back, my dad sent us home first.
We basically went to Melacca to eat. And although i liked the pace of life there, i still missed a lot of things in Singapore like my friends, the cleanliness, the not sooo hot sun, my comfy bed and most importantly my lap top! =)
2:04 AM

I hope he is okay.
I wanna be there to support him...
But theres so many others..
I dont want him to think im a busy body or something.
Dear lord,
Please be by his side..
And give him the strength to overcome this tragedy.
Amen.. =)
Friday, July 11, 2008
5:15 PM
Hmmm im going away to Malacca with my family. I was supposed to go celebrate Vanessa's birthday tomorrow and then go out with Jess or my classmates but im not cause im going to Malacca. I had a decision to make but its not like i spend a lot of time with my dad. So yeah i wanna go spend time with my dad. =)Anyways since i wont be able to blog tomorrow, HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE VANESSA! 2 more years to more right and abit more freedom! =D So sorry im not gonna be able to join you tomorrow. But i will make it up to you. =)Anyways, i met Shamini just now. Went to pass her 6 Dance Arena tickets and then had lunch at Long Johns with her. I love Shamini! 5 years of friendship and still counting. Cant wait to go to the Dance Arena with her. Yay! Got to take lotsa pictures. =)
1:00 AM
Woah!Its exactly 1am and ive not gone to bed yet. Got to go to school tomorrow. Pssst...i have a secret. I get my motivation by looking at JC students. =DOkay..must start to work damn hard already.I passed tamil but i bet i failed my gp, maths, history, literature and business management for the Mid Years.Its okay. I just got to MUG for the Promos.7 weeks to promos only. My aim:GP - BTamil - A/passH1 Maths - DH2 History - AH2 Business Management - BH2 Literature - C=)Okay i need to go finish my history assignment then i can go to bed. See ya!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
7:53 PM

These past few days, ive been very emotionally depressed. I dont know why. Time seems to pass by uber fast too. And sleep...i just cant seem to sleep. I didnt go to school today. Oh did i mention that i didnt go to school on Tuesday also? Bleahh. I didnt go to school cause i just didnt feel like it. I know...bad aye? I shouldnt be like this. Starting from tomorrow, ive got to pick myself up and move on. Ive got to change. GOD HELP ME!
This is to my friend. Ill never forget everything you did for me. I remember what you did when Randy past away. I was very touched! You were the first to know. And yet, unlike other guys who would run away, you accompanied me that very night. You were always there then no matter what. Im upset about us now because, we used to be close. I felt this connection. One i dont get anymore. And i know you may be close to other girls too but i thought that you and i had something. No. Not love. Im talking about friendship. Now...especially with that rumour and feels like everything is gone. =( We've moved on...yeah. But...we just arent close anymore. No more night calls whereby i used to enjoy talking to you. No more long chats on msn. We dont share our problems with each other anymore. We keep things from each other. This sucks really. I told myself that god sent you to me. I thanked him a zillion times. When ever we fight, i always ask him to help me. I always ask him to do something so that we will be on talking terms again. He did answer my prayers. But..i miss you. Terribly....please please please come back. Do you know that whenever you are upset, i get upset too? Thinking about you makes me emotionally depressed. Right now...i feel like crying...=(
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
10:38 PM
I got back my tamil marks for the Mid Years today. 63/100. Thats a B grade. Yay...
My friends from my school and i are representing ICS in this dance competition. Its on the 3rd of August. feeling crappy. I dont feel good. And i dont know why. I need to cry but i just cant. I want a hug. A long comforting warm hug NOW!!! I sooo sooo hate school. Also, im like in the middle of everything. Wah lau!! I miss my friends. I miss the holidays where we used to always go out together. I miss them and i want those days to come back. Bleahhh. =(
Monday, July 7, 2008
10:32 PM gonna keep this as short as possible cause this is gonna be a back track of what happened in the past.
Bleahh...the holidays were quite a something. Spent half of it dancing and my group, BTS (beat the streets) performed at marina square for some NUS net ball thingy. The crowd wanted an encore..=D Joining the group made me become closer to Jafar, Reena and Divya. Yay! Love you guys...And then school started...that means the Mid Years started too. It was sooo sooo gonna fail. I practically started studying the night before my first paper luh! way ticket to getting a fail grade. After the exams, i had another 1 week of holidays from the 30th of June to the 7th of July cause exams for the other subjects were still going on and i was done with my papers. =)
1st of July - My 17th birthday!
Happy birthday to me! And thank you to everyone who wished me!!! Seriously..this year is crazzzyyyy. More than a 1oo people wished me. Literally! =) However i only got a book from my sis, a card from my bro and earings from Ofelia. Went ice skating on my birthday with NC, Abigail and Mila.
2nd of July - Went out to cathay cineleisure with Jacinta and watched Hancock. It was a nice movie. It was a lil touchy at one part.
3rd of July - Went down to the flyer and ate at popeyes with Ofelia. The food was yummy. It was somewhat like KFC just that it tasted A WHOLE LOT better! Its a must try!!! Then we went down to RP to support the boys from our schools floorball team against VJC. We lost though. 6-2. Oh well...its alright. We will do better next time. =)

4th of July - Went for dinner with Cass and Darlene at a coffee shop near Northpoint. We had seafood. We ordered lemon chicken, sweet sour prawns and mushroon with vegtable with rice. It was really yummy. Then we walked from Yishun to Khatib. We wanted to go to the pasar malam but ended up not buying anything. On the way home, i bumped into Brian Angel and Donovan. Its been so long since we all talked and met up. I miss them! =) I got home around 11pm plus. Met Logi later in the night around 1.10am to get more dance arena tickets. We ended up talking and talking until 3am. Haha...he is quite nice luh.
5th of July - Went out with Jafar and Gerald. We went to suntec city's fish and co. I ordered the usual best fish and chips in town. We also had fried calamari which was really yummy. Jafar had free tickets to watch the first preview of this years NDP parade. So we headed down to where it was held...somewhere near Marina square. Hmm the parade was alright. A lil boring here and there but still entertaining. The fireworks however was amazing! It was really awesommeee! Just before the end of the fireworks, Jafar and Gerald wished me a happy belated birthday. OMG so sweet! Haha...6th of July - Was supposed to go to St Vincents with the churchies but i didnt. I was emo-ing at home about a lot of things. Instead, that morning, my dad called and asked me to meet him for lunch. We all went down to the Holiday Inn and ate north indian buffet. It was nice. I love one of their deserts. But my sis had to spoil every single thing as usual! UGH! So hate her.. By the way, HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY DARLENE!!! =)
7th of July, TODAY - Went to bugis to meet Farid to pass him the dance arena tickets and collect the money. Then i went back to northpoint and met my mum. Yay! There was a slight bond today which i really enjoyed. We had ice kachang, she bought me a sweater and then we went to thread our eye brows although i didnt really want to. Then we went to this pet shop and played with the shop's dog. And we saw Jacinta's mum and dad and grandmother. Haha. Then we had laksa and headed home. =)
Damn it! Got to go back to school tomorrow. I dont want to! I hate school...nono i love school. I just hate millennia institute. ARGHH!